Article VI (2nd Paragraph) “This Constitution, and the Laws of - TopicsExpress


Article VI (2nd Paragraph) “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.” There are so many things that are illegally made into law since they are not “made in Pursuance thereof” of our Constitution... Yet, what I want to narrow the focus of this short rant of mine to the part stating that the Constitution “shall be the supreme Law of the Land”. This in and of itself shows why islam is incompatible with our constitution. Shariah law is completely opposed to our natural rights protected under our Bill of Rights. Islam is a totalitarian ideology and will not allow our rights to be placed above Sharia law or want to live under our laws as the supreme “Law of the Land”. The few “radicals” are the ones that overtly attack us because Sharia law condemns us for things protected under our constitutional rights... Yet it is the “moderates” that instead of standing against their “radicals” rather stand against any of our reactions to the radicals and want to slowly erode our constitution and natural rights because our freedoms offend them. These “moderates” have no right to condemn our speaking out against islam or the atrocities done by muslims, and it is beyond insanity that they would be allowed to expect that. We are born with the ability to speak thus it is our natural right to do so. Dismantling of the supreme Law of the Land (our US Constitution) perpetrated by any group of people makes them no longer eligible to protections under the Constitution and they should not be allowed in our Land if not able to put our Law of the Land firsT; it doesn’t matter if this attack on our freedoms is done overtly or covertly either one is just as unacceptable. This above outlines exactly why islam should be banned in the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America. There should be an immediate halt to all applications of US citizenship, visas, and any other form of immigration by muslims to the United States. There should be absolutely NO AMNESTY for muslims and any that touch foot on our land or shores should be put on a boat right back to where they came from immediately. The only amnesty we should take from Islamic countries are apostates and other non-muslims (Zoroastrians, Copts, etc.) who actually are fleeing from persecution of muslims. It is nonsensical to accept the people who claim to be fleeing when they are still practicing the barbaric ideology that they are fleeing from.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 16:52:55 +0000

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