Article provided by Shing: Judaism + Manalo = MANALOISM, and - TopicsExpress


Article provided by Shing: Judaism + Manalo = MANALOISM, and yet they call themselves as Iglesia ni Cristo... strikingly odd enough... allow me to reason out why the equation Judaism + Manalo = MANALOISM is CERTAIN enough... it is because the supposed core beliefs of INC are STRIKINGLY SIMILAR to Judaism of the JEWS... now we are going to prove that the members of INC are the Filipino version of the Jews... but first, we were wondering and trying to prove how Felix Y. Manalo copied DOCTRINES from other sects such as Jehovahs Witnesses, Mormonism, Methodists and even Seventh Day Adventist churches... however, there was one thing thats puzzling... after converted back to Catholicism, Raffy Angeles said during his interview in Know The Truth (paraphrased) that INC looked into the bible how the Jews worshipped the only true God of Israel in the bible... and that is the SO-CALLED religion of Judaism... and also, the DOUBLE STANDARDS of INC are so strikingly SIMILAR to those of the Jews (except they GLORIFY FYM than Jesus Christ as their Messiah)... it seems INC was hiding something about Felix Y. Manalos studying in America... now my question to INC: did Felix Y. Manalo also STUDY Judaism of the Jews and the behavior of the Jews towards GENTILES? and remember, FYM was a GENTILE because the definition of a Gentile, according to the Jews is one who does NOT practice Judaism and a NON-JEW and FYM was a FILIPINO... during that time of Manalo, Jews wouldnt open their teachings to the Christian community because the Jews feared that the Christians might be able to refute Judaism and the Talmud... back to our subject, did FYM really study Judaism of the Jews? why does INC have the same double-standards as those of the Jews especially when criticizing (or even SLANDERING) the Catholic Church? why does INC also have the same amount of HATRED like the Jews hating GENTILES/CHRISTIANS today? (take note: Jews are also SLANDERING Catholic Church) for those Catholics who wanted to FURTHER investigate the similar double standards of INC and Jews, go to this website: and you will notice many teachings of the INC which are STRIKINGLY SIMILAR to the Jews of Judaism... (and you will also find the Menorah, which INC so IGNORANTLY used in their flags) and of course, the TALMUD... the differences between the INC and the Jews are: - INC proclaimed FYM is the messenger of God in the last days (FYM = Messiah of INC) while the Jews are waiting until now for the coming of the Messiah (who is actually the Anti-Christ) - INC has Ministers while Jews have RABBIS - INC has 28 lessons while Jews have the MULTI-VOLUME set called the TALMUD - INC can accuse someone of LIBEL when FYM is criticized while the Jews can accuse someone of ANTI-SEMITISM through ADL (Anti Defamation League) - INC glorified Christ LESS while the Jews BLASPHEMED Jesus Christ (see the Talmud for you to investigate, Catholics)... - INC carries on with BLOODLINE of Manalo while the Jews COULD NOT prove their bloodline of Aaron (and not even of the tribe of Levi) to carry on priestly ministry in Judaism... - INC refers God as masculine while Jews also refers God as FEMININE as Shekinah... however, similarities remained: - INC ministers and Jewish Rabbis are BOTH hypocrites - INC ministers and members and the Jewish people and rabbis are BOTH matigas ang ulo - INC and Jews are BOTH LIARS (read the teachings of the Jewish people and you will see also their LIES) - INC and Jews are BOTH exclusive people - INC and Jews BOTH denying the DIVINITY of Jesus Christ - INC and Jews BOTH blasphemed the Lord Jesus Christ - INC and Jews BOTH made God the Father a SELFISH GOD - INC and Jews BOTH made a man-made religion (also watch youtube/watch?v=SZD_wmFdtDE for Catholics) these striking similarities, INC also has the minds of the Jewish people... and they ARE Filipino Jews (as proven INDEED!!) thats why: Judaism + Manalo = MANALOISM... an equation that is TRUE indeed...
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 12:36:36 +0000

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