As 2014 comes to an end, and 2015 begins.... I think about - TopicsExpress


As 2014 comes to an end, and 2015 begins.... I think about everything my family has experienced this past year.... Weve had alot of ups and downs.... First thing that comes to mind, is Jasmine Collins and how we meet her.... I meet her on the parkway late one evening, after she had been struck by a tractor trailer.... She was a beautiful child who God placed me with at the very end of her life... I think about her often.... She will always hold a special place in my heart.... Eli had a stroke, continued to have seizures, tried Marijuana, going to therapy 160 miles round trip from our home twice a week... 20 trips to Cincinnati for seizure treatment.... Even took him to UK a few times through all this.... Eli got the diagnosis of Autism in Feb.... Which really got to me.... I been to the Capitol to fight for Medial Marijuana and CBD Oil for him and 90,000 other folks in this state who suffer from this debilitating illness known as Epilepsy.... Ive rubbed elbows and shook hands with some famous folks.... Ive made history in our state for standing up for what I believe in... Ive sat down and discussed the health and history of Eli with radio talk show host, tv anchors, and just anyone who wants to know about Eli and his journey.... I even testified before KY Health and Welfare committees about CBD OIL at pur State Capitol.... I even had a previous Governor of our state, stand up for ME and ELI... I never done it for the fame or glory, I just wanted the world to know how Epilepsy has affected our lives.... Ive meet some really good folks through this journey and made some awesome friends... Two in which I consider to be sisters, Erin Nicole and Deb McGrath.... Ive made friends in the right places.... I even had folks come to me and tell me to run for a public office in our state.... Ive mended a few burnt bridges with a few folks who I had hard feelings against and same with me.... Im not perfect nor pretend be.... But I am human... I just love having and keeping peace and harmony in my life and for my family too.... I dont scare and cant be persuaded easily..... If I feel it my heart, Im gonna go with it.... Thank you all for all your love and support for Eli, me, and our little family.... I pray God blesses each of you in this new year.... SOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 21:37:21 +0000

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