As 2014 is coming to an end, we thought its necessary to recognize - TopicsExpress


As 2014 is coming to an end, we thought its necessary to recognize individuals and organizations that have been outstanding throughout the year with different tremedous work they do. Below are different categories and nominees for each category, please comment with your best choice for the winner of each category or inbox and results will be shown on 31st at mid-day. 1. Most outstanding male activist- Frank Mugisha, Sam Ganafa, Richard sebagala, Samuel Opio(leticia), Jeff ogwaro 2. Most outstanding female activist- Clare byarugaba, Kasha Nabagesera, Sandra Ntebi, Stella Nyanzi, Natukunda 3. Most outstanding Trans-activists- Pepe Onziema, Cleo Kabugu, Shawn Kamomos,Apako williams 4. Oustanding Organizations- Queer youth Uganda, Spectrum, Youth on Rock, Icebreakers, Rainbow health, I freedom, FARUG 5. Freelance Activists- Ambrosio wazabanga, Richard sebagala, shawn kamomos, Kelly mukwano 6 Outstanding community mobilizers- Brant luswata, Zak skats, Frank kamya, Bad black, Richard Lusimbo 7. Oustanding public figures- Adrian Jukko, Pepe Onziema, Richard Lusimbo, Brian Nkoyoyo 8. Most inspiring- Dr stella nyazi, Stella okuni, Frank Mugisha, Adrian JJuko, Hassan Shire, Fr. Musala 9. Upcoming strong activists- Zak skats, Frank kamya, Brant luswata, Richard Lusimbo 10. Most active social media activist- Jeff Ogwaro, Ambrosio Wazabanga, Kasha J, Frank mugisha, Pepe Onziema 11. Most active socia media pages/groups- Seba space, Spectrum Uganda, SMUG, Youth on rock, FARUG 12. Oustanding 2014 community projects- REAct, Economic empowerment by YRF, PAL project 13. Most successful events- Senga talk, Pride 2014, World Aids Day, Lunko mens fashion show 14. Incredible partners- HRAPF, TASO, UHMG, SMUG, MARPS NETWORK, MARPI 15. Oustanding service providers- marpi mulago, Taso, HRAPF, UHMG, Icebreakers clinic, 16. Oustanding entertainment groups- TUK, HI5, Sisters 17. Oustanding hangouts- Ram bar, Venom, Big mikes, Out @Volts, Mikkiz, Cayenne 18. Most social activists- Blessed Rwomushana, Zak skats, Bad black, Brant Luswata, kamya Frank 19. Most outstanding moments- Signing of AHA, Nullification of AHA, Pride 2014 20. Oustanding campaigns- Launch of Bombastic Magazine, Pride 2014, . All the best in your selection.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 10:14:35 +0000

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