As ARTISTS, ask yourself whats gonna seperate me from the pack. - TopicsExpress


As ARTISTS, ask yourself whats gonna seperate me from the pack. And its just as simple as going into a store for a watch. What made that watch jump out from all the rest. And its usually something very simple, but it will take focus and concentration to find out what that thing is. Look at all the records ADELE sold. Its not that she had the absolute best music out at the time, but she stood out from the crowd when everybody else was doing EDM dance records. people will dance to it because they dont get to choose whats played in their ear everyday, But noone wants to eat jello everyday. So they enjoy and listen to everything that sounds the same on the radio, but their money went to adele. Why, becasue she gave them something different. But can you blame them. I wouldnt want to pay for something that i get 24/7 none stop either. Its not personal, ITS JUST BUSINESS. We are told that diamonds are rare, but thats a big lie. These people got more diamonds than they know what to do with, just stored away in vaults. But they tell you they are rare. WHY. Because they understand that if they over saturate the industry at once, the value will go down. So they keep it rare by minimizing ( to reduce to the smallest possible amount or degree ) the amount of diamonds on the market at one time. And this is the mistake the music industry have made. And records are not selling. Not because people arent buying or the internet. Nobody wants anything thats too accesable.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 03:48:16 +0000

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