As America arrived at her current destination...let us lift up - TopicsExpress


As America arrived at her current destination...let us lift up America. America is being pushed and pull in every which ways. Let us lift up the spirit of 1840-1850 with Ralph Waldo Emerson. All of us should become champions of Young America. The fears and inspiration is the counterpart of our future. Creating fear among all the people of America is a wrong concept. To create fear in specific racial groups of people is a miscarriage of justice. No, we do not want any more misrepresentations. We want to keep America strong and vital. We have come from too far to turn back now. We must facilitate positive growth with changes. There is, already done in the past-much hard work, too much pain, too much family spread throughout our country, since the beginning of the Republic of America. Tell me, which countries truly want any groups or any one of us? We are supposed to have monies-that is the only interest those countries have in America and Americans. Where do we go from here? We stay here and we work, and make the differences- helping America to reform, we glorified the values of America...we will change any repressive tyranny...yet we will stay and be the Young America. We may be frustrated-we are Americans-let us give America a makeup stand and defend our values carrier people. People in Texas and the country of Mexico and State of Florida probably believed they were better off being governed by Spain. They may have easily forgotten the long and difficult times, Americans have had along the way with, mismatched trust, suffering and mourning. I understand Texas frustration with separation from the USA. Arizona talked about seceding from the USA. However, I still believe that strength and unity belongs to all of us, in United we need to continue believing in "United we stand divided we fall." “The fact of the matter is that there cannot be a union between those that esteem the principles of Karl Marx over the principles of Thomas Jefferson," Miller said. "Here in Texas, we esteem those principles of Thomas Jefferson, that all political power’s inherent in the people. And what we have seen given on Tuesday was that a majority of the people in the United States, and the states in which they reside, esteem the principles of Karl Marx over those principles.” America needs help. Yes we know this, in the end we are the people" YES!!! We the people know collectively how capable we are, we must survive. Within the width and breath of each other we should be about each one-teach one. We know we are not perfect. We know our government is not perfect. We know about our Native Americans plight...we know about slavery, and wars between French, English, Dutch, Spanish, Mexican and other wars right here in America. It is going to be alright. We have human rights and freedom of speech. Most importantly we have people who regardless of their race will not tolerate racism. The old running ground will continue to propel towards change. The colors do not change nor should we change into any dishonorable attitudes. The fight is always on-going. There is glory in living and in dying. We are thankful for the men and women who sacrifice their lives in promoting war and peace and finding the solutions for us. We are there...almost. Trayvon Martin died at 17 years old. I believed Almighty God accepted him without prolonging his gun shot pain. Mothers and Fathers the lesson to learn is about safety. Any accidents will happen at any time. However, strange and dangerous actions do take place any time and any where. May Almighty God continued to watch over all of us. May Jehovah continue to lead us from the wretched guts of racism.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 05:21:57 +0000

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