As America struggles to deal with the growing threat of imminent - TopicsExpress


As America struggles to deal with the growing threat of imminent attack on our homeland from Islamic entities, the Obama administration has done the unthinkable. Today, David Meyer, a special envoy from the White House, flew to Oklahoma to deliver a special message from the President to the congregants of the very mosque that produced the brutal killer that beheaded Colleen Hufford, the Vaughn Foods plant worker last month. Meyers message included the following direct quotation from the President. Your service is a powerful example of the powerful roots of the Abrahamic faiths and how our communities can come together with shared peace with dignity and a sense of justice.” Coming on the heels of the brutal slaying of an innocent non-Muslim, Obamas praise for how the controversial mosque helped rebuild following the tornado that ripped through Moore, Oklahoma last year, appears to be the consummate example of bad timing! That is especially true when one considers that members of the Moore mosque are on record stating, If Osama bin Laden showed up at the door and needed help, we would help him because he is a Muslim brother. Still other members are on record stating that they have participated in target shooting where the targets are the faces of George W. Bush and Ariel Sharon. Is this latest example of Obamas promotion of Islam a mere case of inappropriate timing, or is it something else. I can assure you that White House delegations are normally carefully selected and vetted to insure the best optics for the President. So, why would this ill-timed trip come at this strategic moment? The answer is, again, determined by what you believe about this man and his administration. Some, who are castigating the President for this decision, believe that this is yet another example of Obama heaping praise on the religion of his birth, and a continuation of his incessant attempts to assure his Muslim brothers around the world of his undaunted support for the/their cause. When coupled with the multitude of other Muslim-friendly decisions by this president (his Cairo speech, the release of the bombers of the USS Cole, the appointment of numerous Muslim State Department officials, the removal of the National Day of Prayer from the White House--while issuing repeated statements in support of Islam, his reticence to call Islamic terrorism Islamic terrorism--but rather work place violence, his inane statement that the Islamic State is NOT Islamic, etc.), this latest move should remove all doubt as to who/what this man is! However, many will simply refuse to see the glaring truth that is as plain as the nose on Pinocchios face. Below is an interview, conducted by Robert Spencer, with a former member of the Moore, Oklahoma mosque. It is beyond insightful and clearly illustrates that the Moore mosque is not moderate at all! As well, this interview is instructive of how completely incompatible Islam is with a Constitutional Republic! youtube/watch?v=RH_DQHCsghs Dave Kistler President, HOPE Ministries International President, North Carolina Pastors Network (NCPN)
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 23:28:26 +0000

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