As Bro. Jay Earl Carter says We are not Superstitious but in this - TopicsExpress


As Bro. Jay Earl Carter says We are not Superstitious but in this there is a sign. CARDINAL:::::: The eggs laid by the female hatch in 12 days. This, along with the Cardinals year- round residency, reflects the number 12. It can indicate a turn of events or a life changing situation. When a Cardinal flies into our life expect a change to occur within 12days, 12weeks, 12months, or at the hour of 12. Becuz this Bird is a year-round resident, its medicine is available at all times and should be used by those with this totem whenever a need arises. Cardinals have a loud whistle, a whistle that penetrates the air with sharp distinct tone. They demand our attention, urging us to hear what is carried through the air. Both Male and Female cardinals join in the whistling. This reflects the need to integrate our male & female characteristics into our day to day life. Feminine energy is linked to INTUITION; Male energy to PERSERVERANCE. If both are operating in our life, our intuitive knowledge has the perseverance and strength necessary to manifest our goals and dreams. When a cardinal appears in your life it is telling you to pay close sttention to your eating habits. The bright red color of the cardinal is very symbolic. Red represents the blood or life force of the Mystic Christ. This force is known as Kundalini lies dormant within us until activated by disciplined spiritual practice. Once activated spiritual power can be attained. The Cardinal offers safe passage into the world of personal power for those who ask for its help. When a person with cardinal medicine steps onto a spiritual path there will be no turning back. Everytjing in their life will seem insignificant. Extra care must be taken to insure personal happiness, particularly in the area one- to-one relationship.. Now it all is clear to me. This is a bird symbols my growth and path in lufe that I have embarked upon long ago.★ All Praise Is Due To Allah For This Insight.★
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 20:38:29 +0000

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