As Butterfly Creations winds down with 3 days left to go, and I - TopicsExpress


As Butterfly Creations winds down with 3 days left to go, and I say goodbye to a significant part of my working life I thought I would share with you a little of my journey with BC over the past 6 years. Butterfly Creations was started by Jaunita Smith and her family in the late 90s. I had always loved the energy of the place when I had visited as a customer. I liked their approach to crystals, and being a crystal worker myself I felt quite connected to the place. When the store came on the market in 2009, despite having just given birth to my daughter Zoe, I knew without a doubt that it was meant to be. To this day I believe Zoe had something to do with the calling I felt to becoming guardian of this lovely store as she so lovingly resonates with the stones. I have seen myself as Guardian, rather than Owner. I have always believed in the higher purpose of this store - that is to hold a space so all who enter are uplifted no matter how big or small. It is a simple intention and perhaps idealistic, but it has been powerful none the less. So there I was, a new mother for the first time and also running a shop for the first time. Crazy in hindsight but like I said, I felt very guided towards this new venture. I didnt have a clue how to run a business and for the first year I was on the biggest learning curve of my life. But I loved it! For me, this shop has been about the people and the energy and being able to make a difference in peoples lives. Over the past few weeks since announcing that we are closing, I have had such wonderful feedback from my customers at how that has been so for them. It fills me with happiness that my intentions have been fulfilled. Over the past few years I have grown into my role at BC and enjoyed allowing BC to take shape in different ways. We have tried out different products in the store but always kept the original idea of Crystals and jewellery. I have never compromised on the crystals as they have been such an integral part of the store. I have refused to become a new Age shop and I think that has kept the energy of my intention far more accessible to the general public. I have been joined by such wonderful staff over the years. In particular my right hand man, Nathan Crane has supported, help envision the store concept and generally been there often above and beyond the call of duty. Also a huge thank you to Peter Holton who has been with me during these last weeks helping me with the sales and holding a space while I come to terms with saying goodbye to this place. Other gorgeous individuals who have worked in the store with me include Candice Smith, Nicci Portis, Charlotte Pascoe-Purvis, Rachel Torney, Rachel Sullivan and Penny Brace. I couldnt have done this on my own and I am in much appreciation. It is hard to say goodbye and these few paragraphs dont really do it justice at what a special time in my life it has been. Meanwhile, new adventures await. Thank you to all who have supported Butterfly Creations over the past few years. I have made such wonderful friends, met amazing and interesting people and dealt with some fantastic and supportive suppliers. A customer recently said to me that even when someone or something dies, we still have the memories that keep them in existence. That stayed with me and touched me and I know this place will certainly live on in me in some way for the rest of my days. Jenn x
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 05:41:40 +0000

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