As Christians , we know that God is working all things together - TopicsExpress


As Christians , we know that God is working all things together for our good. But sometimes, what is ultimately for our good is very painful to watch /feel /endure during the working process. My friend, Sabra Bryant Skidmore, posted something very similar to this today , and it really hit home with me. I do believe and know with all of my heart that God is working all things for our good. But tonight, sitting in my living room alone with my very sick husband already in bed, I will tell you that I dont like the working part of this process at all. I have no idea why God chose us or allowed us to take this journey , but I absolutely refuse for the devil to get one bit of glory out of what we are going through. I can tell you already that many good things have come from our journey, and we all know that anything good comes from above. The very best thing to come out of this is that James came to know Christ as his personal Savior . That alone is worth EVERYTHING we have gone through or will go through. Through this, God has allowed us to reach out to others in similar situations . We have been privileged to share our faith with others and not just other patients, but nurses and doctors, and most certainly with insurance personnel. I had one lady from Aetna tell me that she couldnt believe we had gotten approved for out of network coverage with a clinical trial! She said, that just doesnt happen!!! But when I finished telling her about how good God was and how many mountains He had moved for us and how He had opened doors that seemed impossible, she was PRAISING God with me!!! Just this week, I was put in touch with a lady who has been battling cancer for ten years. I personally dont have anything to offer these people. I will happily share any bit of medical information I have, but more than anything , I want them to know that our hope is in a God who has not for one minute left our side during this journey. He has , through so many precious people carried us, encouraged us , and provided for us on every level, and I know He will continue doing so. I dont know exactly what our future holds . As of right now, James is receiving radiation to the abdomen and pelvis area daily. Good days now arent what we used to call good days, but we are thankful for every good minute, and we continue to make the most out of each one . If you have seen him, you know He has lost lots of weight. The plan as of right now is for us to return to Duke in January. However, we know the Master planner, and know that He alone has the perfect plan. Until then , we are looking forward to Thanksgiving next week with all our family, and we are excited and proud to say that Jessica Wilkes Schaefer will be graduating with her masters in IT in December. And of course , we are looking forward to celebrating CHRISTmas. Once more, thank you to all of you who have reached out to us in any way these last 15 months. I am way behind on thank you cards, but no act of kindness has gone unnoticed. Thank you cards will come at some point . May God richly bless you and yours is our prayer.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 03:59:47 +0000

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