As Christians, we need to be really, really careful about what is - TopicsExpress


As Christians, we need to be really, really careful about what is posted on social media. Here is a good for example: last week, I was at the beach with my dad. I was taking pictures of the ocean. While we were at a very conservatively family area for the most part, a lady with a very revealing bathing suit walked into the shot that I was taking. I commented to my dad that this particular picture was trash now. He asked why. I pointed the woman out. He said Oh! I could have easily posted that picture. It was a picture of the scenery, not of the woman. BUT, would it have been something that might have caused a fellow Christian to stumble or to question the integrity of my view in the picture? Most likely that answer would be yes. What about the language or pictures that you have posted recently? Was it following a pattern of Christianity that Christ would commend...or condemn? Sometimes these things arent quite as obvious as others. Sometimes simply sharing something, an advertisement, a funny picture, a song or video.... If what you may post would embarrass a preacher, your grandmother, you would cover your childs eyes, or could not repeat in mixed may not be something that should be posted.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 03:08:06 +0000

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