As Deep As The Sea Written By: Serah Sade Iyare Chapter - TopicsExpress


As Deep As The Sea Written By: Serah Sade Iyare Chapter -8- “How do I look?” Kabira turned to face her roomates who were seated on the King size bed and watching a Mexican soap opera on the television. “All dressed up for Abubakar,” Bolatito winked at her and she smiled back. “You are going to kill that young man tonight,” Promise sized up her room-mate who was clad in a short black dress with white stripes which complimented her pear shape. Kabira blushed and looked away. Adaeze hissed and eyed her. “All this for just a Hausa man. Will he marry you at the end of the day?” They all gapped at her. She never seemed to stop amazing them with her spiteful comments. “Adaeze!” Promise and Bolatito choroused. “What?” She hissed again and returned her attention to the television. “Don’t mind her. She is just jealous,” she turned to look at her appearance before the standing mirror nailed to the cream painted wall. She would not allow Adaeze’s attitude to distract her. “Me? Jealous of who? You?” Her brows came together in an angry frown. “Yes of course. After all, you spend all your waking hours with Bachelor, yet, he has never asked you out.” Promise and Bolatito burst out laughing. Adaeze got down from the bed fuming with anger. “I don’t know why you waste your time with him. I hope you have not slept with him.” “Whatever I do with Bachelor is none of your business.” “Really?” She faced her, “Do you know how many girls sleep over at his place almost every weekend?” “That is a rumour.” “Says who? Promise and I saw some of them.” Adaeze glanced at Promise for confirmation. “It is true.” “Why didn’t you tell me?” Bolatito hit her on the shoulder. “Ouch! What’s wrong with you?” “You should have told me,” she retorted. “Stop hitting people, it is not lady-like,” she eyed her. Adaeze marched out of the apartment. They all watched her go. Kabira started to laugh. Promise felt sorry for her. But, Bolatito was still angry. She had been competing with Adaeze to win Bachelor’s heart. Now that she had an unknown number of ladies to contend with, it seemed her efforts over the past months had been like pouring water into a basket. She hoped Adaeze would deal with him. That young man had been playing games with them and he needed to be punished. “Abubakar is here! His car is parked outside. See you later girls,” Kabira picked up her purse and walked out of the apartment. Promise shook her head. She hoped Kabira’s relationship with Abubakar would turn into something serious and lasting. “I am through with Bachelor.” She patted her on the back, ” What is his real name?” Bolatito hissed and slumped on the bed. She placed a pillow over her head and remained that way for several minutes. Promise sighed and decided to ignore her. Her phone began to ring. She reached out for it at the edge of the bed. “Hello,” she got into her slippers and headed out. “Hello Princess.” She blushed, she liked it whenever he called her Princess. “I miss you.” The moment she stepped out, she saw Adaeze and Bachelor leaning on his car but arguing at the top of their voice. “Hello Princess, are you there?” “Yes… ” She decided to take a stroll down the street. “Princess.” “I am here, just taking a stroll.” “Oh okay. I missed you.” “I miss you too.” “I can’t wait to see you again.” She blushed again. “Valentine’s day is around the corner.” “True.” “Why don’t we celebrate it in Paris?” “What?!” She ignored the concerned look a passer-by gave her. She would try not to shout again. “I am serious.” “But… Valentine’s day falls on a Wednesday.” “It doesn’t matter.” “Really?” “I will send you on an official assignment to France on Tuesday and I will join you in Paris on Wednesday. We will be back in Abuja on Friday.” “Master planner.” He chuckled, “Anything for my Princess.” “Hmmm… ” “I have several other gifts lined up for you.” “Really?” “Yes. See you in Paris.” “All right Prince Charming.” “I love you.” “Love you too,” she hang up and headed for the local suya spot in the area. It wasn’t as good as the ones made in Yahuza, but, it was manageable. She and Keshinro began their illicit affair the day they left Accra for Abuja. She was bent on resisting him, but his charm and seduction had overpowered her. They had crossed a line and there was no turning back. It’s being three weeks and he had showered her with monetary and valuable gifts. She barely touched her salary these days. Her room-mates had noticed her change of wardrobe and other things, but they had assumed that her salary was doing all the wonders. If Keshinro was single, she would have told them that she had a boyfriend. But, he was married. It was hard to predict their reaction. She had professed her faith in Christ before them a million times, they might judge her if they discovered that she was dating a married man. No one would understand the battle she had fought for so long. She had tried. God knew how hard she had tried to avoid these circumstances. She had dived into a very deep ocean. Only God could bring her out. The day she gave in to Keshinro was the day she lost her will power to keep fighting him off. She still loved God. She would love to serve Him for the rest of her life, but, being with Keshinro was like being buried in the sand of pleasure and passion. She was chained and there seemed to be no exit door. �?Oh God! Oh God! Only you can get me out of this.’ She bought a thousand naira suya from the mallam and started to walk back to the house. She hoped Adaeze had stopped her little squabble with Bachelor. She also hoped that Bolatito was done with whatever she was doing under the pillow. She hoped a meal of suya with bread and beverage would put a smile back on their faces. It might not mend their hearts, but it would definitely fill their stomach. ******** A week after the Saint Valentine’s day, Promise announced to her room-mates that she would be moving into her own apartment in Wuse as soon as possible. The new two bedroom flat was one of the numerous gifts Keshinro had showered her with during their trip to Paris and to crown it all, he had given her the keys to a silver Honda Element car. She didn’t tell her room-mates about the car because she wasn’t ready to be harrassed with questions she wasn’t prepared to answer. Adaeze was envious as usual, but Kabira and Bolatito were happy for her. They planned to spend the weekend at her new place. ******** “Abubakar proposed to me yesterday,” Kabira showed them her engagement ring. Promise and Bolatito squealed and hugged her. “I am so happy for you.” “Thanks Promise.” “Your ring is so beautiful.” “Thanks Bola.” “I wish Bachelor will man-up and proposed to either me or Adaeze instead of flirting with those little girls.” Promise and Kabira started to laugh. “I am serious,” she settled on the leather chair. “Forget that man, he doesn’t worth a Princess like you,” Promise sat beside her. “I hear you.” “Promise is right. Your Prince Charming will show up sooner than you think,” Kabira winked at her. “Hmmm… ” She tried to smile, “I hope he comes sooner.” “He will come.” “When is the wedding?” “The traditional wedding is in October. The church wedding is in December.” “Wow! You are a lucky girl.” “I envy you,” Bola folded her arms across her bosom. Kabira joined them on the chair, “Cheer up babe.” “Easier for you to say. You are getting married after our service year. Look at Promise’s apartment, it is gorgeous! I have nothing to boast about.” Promise and Kabira exchanged glances. “I am glad that Adaeze is not here with us.” “That witch will just mess up our weekend in this wonderful apartment.” Promise chuckled. “She would have started drilling me with questions about Abubakar.” “She would also have found fault with this apartment. That girl is something else,” Bolatito shook her head. “I am glad that you girls are here.” “Yellow Tube must be paying you well. I am happy for you.” Promise smiled and decided not to comment. “That reminds me, I saw a new Honda Element when we arrived yesterday. Who among your neighbour owns it?” Promise cleared her throat. “Is it a she or a he? Maybe that person is my Prince Charming.” Kabira slapped her on the thigh. “What? I am being positive,” she grinned. Promise watched her former room-mates and wondered if she should tell them that the car was hers. They would get suspicious and start asking questions. She decided to distract them. She would tell them about the car when she felt the time was right. “I bought a lot of latest movies because of you babes.” “Really?” “Where are they?” Bolatito was on her feet. Promise pointed at the small cabinet under the plasma televison. Kabira and Bolatito invaded the cabinet and argued about what movie they would watch. ******** On her way home from work, she decided to visit the saloon. She had a date and wanted to look her very best. While waiting for her turn, she tried to ignore the loud gist of two women making their hair. She thought of leaving but decided to stay. She didn’t want to be late for her date. It was almost eight in the night and she might not be able to make her hair at any other saloon. She wished her stylist was in town. The sooner he returns, the better for her. “That stupid man had been cheating on his wife for the past fifteen years.” “Oh my God!” “He acts like a good husband at home, he takes care of his family, he is even a Deacon at the church they attend.” “No wonder she didn’t suspect anything.” “I don’t know what is wrong with Christians of nowadays. They talk the talk, but they don’t walk the walk.” “Do as I say, but don’t do as I do.” “Exactly!” “How did she find out?” “The man told her himself. He wants a divorce. He wants to marry his newest lover.” “What rubbish! What nonsense!” Promise couldn’t ignore the women anymore. Their conversation flowed straight to her ears. “The wife ran to their Pastor, but, the man was bent on leaving his wife. Nobody could change his mind.” “Men can be so heartless.” “My point is that he claimed to be a Christian. Was he ever born-again?” “Some people think that going to church and attending all the services makes them Christians.” “Exactly!” “But it doesn’t.” “My point exactly.” “It is so sad.” “Yes, it is. If you have never at any point in your life given your life to Jesus, you are not born-again. It doesn’t matter if you hold any kind of position in church.” “True. Some people think that being born into a Christain home makes them Christians.” “Exactly! You are not a Christain except you are first born-again.” Promise got up and walked out of the saloon. She got into her car and placed her head on the steering wheel. �?Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!’ She had forgotten her first love. She had offended God. She had hurt the one she surrended her life to since she was a teenager. �?Oh God give me strength! Help me to retrace my steps. Where do I start from?’ Her illicit affair with Keshinro was sinful. She had to end it. She had to make things right between her and God. When did she become so blind? She started the car and headed home. �?God, I need you more than ever.’
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 23:30:46 +0000

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