As Dr. Myles and Lady Ruths homegoing celebration was held on - TopicsExpress


As Dr. Myles and Lady Ruths homegoing celebration was held on today, I found myself reflecting on the last time I saw both of them, which is when the below picture was taken. The story is a little lengthy, but if you have a moment to read in entirety, I believe there are several valuable lessons that will bless your life as they have mine. On this final occasion, I was in Dr. Myles mentoring program and he would make every effort to spend time with his mentees whenever he was in our area speaking. On this particular instance, it had been arranged in advance for me to meet him and his team at the church where he was scheduled to speak, plus there were some specific books that I needed for the program that had been packed and sent along for me to pick up that evening. Earlier in the day before they were scheduled to leave the Bahamas, I had been in communication with Dr. Myles assistant and indicated that we were expecting severe storms in our area and I committed to pray for their safe travels. In hindsight, I imagine the conditions may have been similar to that fateful day of November 9th, which they later reported experiencing very difficult conditions which caused them to be delayed. Once the service had ended, I was escorted to the room where Dr. Munroe and his team were and where they were holding the books that were brought over for me. By this time, Dr. Munroe had gone out to the table to sign books, but still in the room were Lady Ruth, their daughter Charissa and their niece Cytella, who were all so very kind and told me to stick around because he was expecting to see me and some of the other mentees who were supposed to come, however by this time most of the other mentees had already left. As I stood before Dr. Munroe with the books in my hand, he insisted on signing each one, which was not my intention. Then he asked me to stick around, so I did. At the end, here it was in the room just me, the pastor and a few leaders from the host church, Dr. Munroe, Lady Ruth, their pilot Capt (Doc) Thurston, and the others who had traveled with them. Dr. Munroe then states that he wanted pictures taken with his camera and he would have copies sent to me later. He goes on to state that he was proud of what I was doing and then said he wanted a picture with me standing behind him. So I proceeded to come around the table to stand behind him, while being cautious enough to leave an adequate amount of personal space. He then says no, I need you to come closer. At that point without looking back at me, he extends his hand behind him and reaches for me to come forward, and this my friends is the picture that you see. While I never imagined that this was going to be the last time I would ever see them again, God knew and therefore He set the atmosphere for everything to happen just as it did. As I think about it, I now also totally understand the level of adamancy that Dr. Munroe exercised as he insisted on signing every copy of my books and the photos where he reached his hand back to me and told me to come forward and closer. Perhaps if you dont understand the story, I encourage you look up his message on passing the baton and perhaps then you will. Now Im not naive enough to think that I am the only person that he did this for because Dr. Munroe mentored a lot of people, but I thank God for allowing me to be one of them that he mentored and passed the baton to and with everything in me, Im determined to run with it. The lesson in this for many is not everybody is going to see the value that is within you, treat you kindly, or see you for who God says you are, but you must not allow them to cause you to lose your footing or miss your moment. Instead, you must continue to stand on who God says you are, do what He created you to do, and know that there are others that He will connect you with who will recognize what God has placed inside of you and be willing to help cultivate and bring it out of you. For me, Dr. Myles Munroe was those pivotal people and Im grateful to God for his life, the lessons, and his legacy! #DrMylesMunroe #GreatLeaderandMentor #TheLegacyContinues #KingdomJourney
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 03:53:19 +0000

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