As Gabrielle gathered anyone willing to help, Xena spied on the - TopicsExpress


As Gabrielle gathered anyone willing to help, Xena spied on the fortress from a distance. She memorized the patterns of the guards, even those of the souls wandering the grounds outside. “I didn’t know children were being doomed to this place.” The voice startled Xena. She spun drawing her sword. “Its ok, Im a friend.” An old bald man with a thin white beard crouched low in front of her. “I am Akira. I’m a priest at the temple in Higuchi.” He paused. “Or at least I was. I followed a demon here to my death. I know your friend Gabrielle, I sent her here to find you. By the looks of you Id say she has. Where is she now?” “Gathering troops.” “You cannot win a war here Xena.” “I don’t want to wage war. I just want to free those children. Akira, why would children be sent here?” “It must be the demons. They steal them away at night, they must drag them here.” “Izanami has been draining them of their youth. Shes trying to regain her beauty and Yodoshi is helping her obtain souls.” Xena paused. “They tortured me. I could only imagine they may torture the children as well. Its like Yodoshi feeds off the pain and fear.” “Then this is worse than I could have ever imagined.” Akira looked deeply into Xenas eyes. “I know you just reunited with your soul mate, but she needs to return to the world of the living and tell my disciples what is happening here. They will understand what to do. We must kill Yodoshi, gather the children and open a portal to the world of the living to free their souls then seal Yomi for good. With Izanami and all the evil inside of it.” “How do you propose we do that?” “It wont be easy. Izanami and Yodoshi probably know youve escaped. They will assume that you plan on retaliating.” “Theyd be right.” “Which means we should act quickly. We need to find Gabrielle.” Xena and Akira linked off in search of Gabrielle. They found her being followed by at least fifteen souls all staying at a distance, respecting Gabrielles boundaries. “Gabrielle!” Xena shouted. Gabrielle turned then ran toward Xena. She recognized Akira. “Akira? What are you doing here?” “I had to banish a demon to the underworld. Don worry Kasumi is taking care of your body in the mortal world, but you must return and tell them what is happening here. My disciples will know what to do. Xena and I will do what we need to here.” “How do I get back?” “Close your eyes.” Akira began chanting in his ancient language. “Drift now, you will wake on the other side.” He continued the chant. Gabrielle fell back and disappeard into a mist. Akira stopped his chant. “We must prepare to kill Yodoshi. Xena, with your sword you can kill him, body and soul completely this time.” “You sure about that? It was supposed to do that last time.” “Harukata was unable to finish the blessing before Yodoshi killed him, so the blade simply made his soul barely able to enter the underworld this time.” “Great.” Xena scoffed. “I could probably get back into the temple and ambush Yodoshi. You do what you need to here.” Xena headed off toward the temple. Akira made ready to create the portal that the souls would pass through to be freed. The souls Gabrielle had gathered created a defense around him as he recited the chant, gathering energy. Xena reached the fortress noticing the usual guards were sifting through the mass of souls. A perfect opportunity to sneak into the fortress. She ran around the crowd then up the front stairs and into the fortress. She immediately headed for the small wooden door, listened, then hearing nothing, entered. The torture room was empty except for the devices of torture. She continued to the cells opened the dungeon door then hid in the first cell to the right. She crouched waiting.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 19:10:50 +0000

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