As I Laid My Hands upon His Deaf Left Ear, God Instantly Opened - TopicsExpress


As I Laid My Hands upon His Deaf Left Ear, God Instantly Opened It! I was speaking to a gentleman one day about the reality of Je-sus Christ. He seemed to be completely oblivious to anything about Christ. He informed me that as a little boy some invisible demonic enti-ty would begin to literally push him physically. He was now approxi-mately 58 years old, and it had been going on for 50 years. He had tried to get relief but nothing seemed to help. As he began to get older he tried to get rid of the fear that would come upon him by drinking heavi-ly. This of course made things much worse. He said that one time he was drunk while he was driving his motorcycle. This resulted in him having a terrible accident. In this motorcycle accident his head injury was so bad that it had left him completely blind in his left eye, and deaf in his left ear. The medical world had not been able to do anything for him. For a number of years now he had been in this condition. As he was telling me his predicament, the spirit of God Quicken to my heart to pray for him. I asked him if it would be all right for me to lay my hands upon him, and to pray over him in the name of Jesus Christ. He seemed to hesitate for a couple of seconds, but then he said it would be okay. I took my right hand and placed it over his left ear. Then I took my left hand and put it over his blind eye. I spoke boldly in the name of Jesus, commanding this spirit of blindness to come out of his eye, and commanding the spirit of deafness to come out of his left ear. I then removed my hands, and stood there looking at him. With complete look of shock he declared that he heard a pop-ping sound in his left ear. That he had not heard anything in that ear since he had experienced his motorcycle accident. I told him to cover his good ear, and to repeat what I said. Then I put my mouth next to his left ear and whispered Jesus. He came back with the word Yesus. I said it again Jesus. He responding by speaking the name of Jesus. At that moment he began to cry quite dramatically. He kept asking me what had just happened. I told him that Jesus Christ had opened up his deaf ear. He began to thank me profusely. I informed him it was not me, but Jesus Christ. He must’ve hugged me 2 or 3 times with great joy. I then had the wonderful opportunity to lead him in a prayer of salvation.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 12:03:47 +0000

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