As I Sit Here not Being able to Sleep . Im just sitting here - TopicsExpress


As I Sit Here not Being able to Sleep . Im just sitting here Reflecting once again as I Often do. Its Friday night or Early Saturday morning whatever one chooses to call it. I Spend a lot of Time on Social Media mainly FB. Im in A Few Groups and Ive Met some Pretty Cool People as Ive Stated Before. People use Social Media For all kinds of Reasons. In the Beginning I got on FB to See what was going on with My Daughters as I was Trying to Strengthen our Relationship. Then i Started Seeing Old Classmates and That was Cool. As I searched a Little more i Started seeing Prayer warriors , Then Food Groups . This Got My Attention. I realized that I could share My Story and Free Myself from a Lot of Baggage that was a Burden and Stumbling Block in My Life. I was no Longer( Peaches ) My Alter Ego lol. Thats a whole Nother Story . I could Be Myself . I Believe in Keeping it Real . And I Try To Only Fool with Others who Keep it Real. This is Why I Love The Morning Crew ,and Help in Christ . I also Have Much Love for Chi Town Foodies and My Near Northside Alumni Association grs. Very Good &Real People . I LOVE YOU DEARLY. Now on the other Hand Theres The Fools online that Like Drama ,Violence and Gossip . To eaches Own . I dont knock anyone for what they Like . Thats their choice . But My Thing is This . Dont try to Push you Mess on Others . Dont Be Sending Disrespectful &Out of Pocket Pictures and Posts to People aint nobody got Time for that. And For Those of You who Think that Somebody got Money To Be Sending you to Help you Come to America or Help you Get your inheritance Contact A Lawyer . Aint Nobody Got No Money To Be Sending you. We Have Families & Bills to Pay. And Aint nobody Trying to Get no Husband so that you can Become a American Citizen . So Stop with This Madness. LORD Please Have MERCY On these People. I will continue to Try My Best to be Positive And Uplifting . I will still send my Cute little Shout outs to Special People in My Life . Who Are FRIENDS no More or No Less . Thats For The Nosy People who be assuming things And Jumping to Conclusions . My Message is This Dont Let These Fools Still your JOY ,or cause confusion in your life ir household .Simply BLOCK Them Dont Give them the time of Day. Remember They can Only Be A Friend if You Accept or Send a Request ! So Choose Wisely. GOD BLESS YOU ALL
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 06:58:08 +0000

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