As I am listening to the radio, the host is making a very good - TopicsExpress


As I am listening to the radio, the host is making a very good point, everyone is saying "We will never forget", which none of us will. However, what should we never forget? Should we never forget the victims and the heroes? Should we never forget how our hearts ached and the tears that flowed? What about how we all came together in Churches and other places of worship to pray for the victims and heroes and this great Nation? Those are all worthy of our thoughts and prayers, but let us also never forget that the 9/11 terrorist were allowed to enter this Great Nation to be educated and trained, that there were suspicions about several of them, but our government did not follow through, that they went to strip clubs the night before they carried out the attacks that forever changed our Nation. I will never forget how there was coverage of people cheering and dancing in the middle east at the news of the attacks. Images of the destruction are seared into my brain, and the aftermath is also engraved into my memory. I will never forget the "major" who committed "work place violence" at Fort Hood, the underwear bomber, the shoe bomber, the elderly gentleman, in a wheelchair on a cruise ship who was pushed into the Mediterranean, the British soldier who was hacked to death on the streets of London, the Boston Marathon victims, the funerals and arrivals of our fallen. I will never forget the birth of the tsa, the most bloated government program whose overreach of our rights in unbelievable and yet accepted, that taking my shoes off is somehow going to make me safer as I fly, the hassles we endure to travel. I will never forget the young lady I met in NYC who survived 9/11 by crawling over the barbed wire at the port authority and jumping in the water, where she and others watched in horror for hours as the towers fell and people jumped to their deaths to get away from the flames. I will never forget the Air Force Colonel who, had he been in his office at the Pentagon that day, would have been hit directly by the plane that hit that building. I will never forget that our country has forever changed as a result of the cowardly act of a radical people whose sole goal is to destroy all who are not in line with their beliefs. I will also never forget that, in our Nation, we should decide who we allow to immigrate here, not just take everyone, that an American purchasing a gun goes through a more rigorous background check than those seeking to immigrate. I will never forget or accept that, while other nations punish those who enter illegally, we reward them with education, medical care, and amnesty. I will never forget or accept that the 9/11 attackers were here legally, and that the borders are a free flowing highway of all sorts of folks, many whose sole goal is to attack us and our way of life. So these are my thoughts on why I will NEVER forget, or always remember, and why I will continue to hound Our Government to put this Great Nation first, to build our infrastructure and secure our borders, and to keep our citizens safe and free.
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 15:04:46 +0000

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