As I begin another step in a healthy journey, I want to share a - TopicsExpress


As I begin another step in a healthy journey, I want to share a post from Lorri Herman the leader of Eating Clean and Healthy the Arbonne Way. For anyone skeptical or even cynical about Detox or diets please read this - good leadership is everything and Lorri is an example of why Arbonne is leading the world to TRUE HEALTH! Reduce your Toxic intake in all areas of your life and start with the Detox - I can help you get started! You have nothing to lose but old philosophy. Philosophy > Attitudes, Actions & Results > Life For the past 9 months, I’ve walked people arm and arm through these Detox Boot Camps (aka Clean Eating Challenge). And our focus has been your ACTIONS. That if we teach you HOW to choose proper actions, you’ll get the results you desire and thus your life will be changed. And while for some, this seems to be enough to make LASTING change… for many, it just doesn’t go deep enough. HOW to do it is not the issue. A few weeks ago, as I was reading The Slight Edge (by Jeff Olson, it WILL rock your world, GET IT!!) and was slapped in the face with this truth: “Diets don’t work; they can’t. They’re doomed to fail because most diets dictate WHAT your actions should be. They don’t deal with WHERE your actions come from.” And while our program isn’t at ALL a ‘diet’, I had this huge ‘aha’: What I’ve been doing & teaching isn’t enough. See, the journey towards change doesn’t start with our actions. Long before we acted in regards to food, we had an ATTITUDE about food. And our attitude about food was shaped by our (deep) underlying PHILOSOPHY about food. Today, I’m here to tell you, our Boot Campers have seen incredible success, but we haven’t even scratched the surface yet! We ALL desire HEALTH. A true TRANSFORMATION. But without identifying (& maybe changing) your philosophy, SUCCESS WILL NOT LAST. We HAVE to change the way you THINK. If you don’t change your thinking, no amount of how-to’s will offer a REAL solution. It’s not that the ACTIONS we’re teaching you are wrong (they’re spot on)…it’s that (some) people don’t KEEP doing them. (Some) People don’t persist. Why? Because focusing on the actions (the what-to-do’s and the how-to-do’s) is not enough. It’s the attitude behind the actions that KEEP those actions in place. Unfortunately though, attitudes are fickle. Emotions change. And you can’t dictate how you FEEL. Today you may be excited about getting fit. But what if you’re not tomorrow? To find true success, we have to back it up ONE more step. We have to get to your PHILOSOPHY. What’s a philosophy you ask? Your philosophy is what you know, how you hold what you know, and how it affects what you do. A positive philosophy turns into a positive attitude, which turns into positive actions, which turn into positive results, which turns into a positive lifestyle. The only way to consistently control your attitudes, actions and results is to CONTROL YOUR THOUGHTS. And your thoughts stem from your PHILOSOPHY. “What the mind of man can conceive and believe, the mind of man can achieve.” Your PHILOSOPHY is the source of your success or failure. Today, take some time to get clear about YOUR philosophy and ask yourself these questions: 1) What do I KNOW about food’s relation to health? 2) How do I HOLD that knowledge about food & health? 3) How does what I know and how I hold it affect what I DO? Write them down and be REALLY honest with yourself. Is your knowledge skewed? Or maybe you KNOW all the right things about health/food but you hold it too loosely or only do it when you FEEL like it? Or maybe you haven’t MOVED on what you KNOW? Write yours down. It’s for YOUR eyes only. I’m not saying this exercise will be fun. But I am saying it will be FREEING! I’ll share my story tomorrow…how I went from a philosophy that didn’t serve me to one that DOES! Then we’ll walk through how THAT philosophy literally creates your LIFE!! Can. Not. Wait.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 19:11:10 +0000

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