As I close out this very long day and night, i simply wanted to - TopicsExpress


As I close out this very long day and night, i simply wanted to say thank you. A friend told me today something that made so much sense. He said we are here for just small amount of time. You know that is so true. We are only here for just a short time. In all honesty we need not take anything second for granted, not one second the enemy looks to steel kill and destroy, we as human beings need to realize our mortality we dont like to think about death. We dont like to think that some day we will not exist anymore. We dont want to think about death period. It sends a panic attack threw our whole bodies like our lives pass before our eyes. So what do we do with the knowledge of we will not exist one day. We ignore it we choose to believe what ever it is that we want whether it be about the word of God or maybe its a wiccan thing or maybe your an atheist or maybe you just dont care. What we do is we make up our minds to either be somebody or just merley exist. We think that because what we have in our wallets or bank account or whats in our drive way or even yes the color of our skin or what country we are from that we are better then someone else. When all the while we all will suffer the same fate death. So you tell me how when we all will suffer the same fate of death do we have the never to think that we are better then some one else. You tell me when we all have a road that leads to the same place in the end the grave yard you tell me how we as humans think we are better or some doesnt deserve opportunities because of our positions in life. When we will wake up and realize we are all equal I mean you cant get more equal then death right? When we realize that no matter what belief we have we cant take anything with us when we go. The only difference in when we are born and when we die is we get to wear cloths when we go. Wars religious wars have been started lives lost because of ignorance, wars started because of greed and money oil rights. What rights do we really have the only rights we have is to live and to die. When will we wake up and see what is so plainly in front of us, no matter what you do we all suffer the same fate no one i mean no will live forever on this earth the way it is. Get over getting old and loosing your hair you cant stay young forever embrace what the years have taught you, stop trying to look young stop putting chemicals in your body to make you look a certain way. John Wayne an icon in this world legend he wore a wig he had an image to protect. Would we have loved him any less because he showed he was human and aging and lost his hair. No why because he was the duke. Joan Rivers is another prime example she has had so much plastic surgery done that if you leave her near a hot sun or oven she could melt. Would we love her any less if she looked just the way she was suppose to. Take a woman like Angela Lansbury wonderful woman great singer actress and she aged gracefully and we still adore her. Do you see my point getting older is part of that thing we call life. I do my best to live by this simple bible verse because it makes the world of sense to me DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU. I want each of you to tell someone how much they mean to you i want you to tell some one that you love them just the way they are no matter what the sin is or what they do with their life. Every i mean every second is precious dont spend what little time we have here on hate and greed or envy or wars. Do what you can for your fellow man or woman but most of all just say thank you that we get this oppertunity to live this short life and learn the things we need to learn. I love all of you with all my heart and soul I want nothing but to see you all prosper and grow in Christ. With all my might and all my soul i will not ever stop trying to let you know you are loved. God bless I love you all Good night
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 10:18:10 +0000

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