As I come back from vacation in Vegas I see my news feeds flood - TopicsExpress


As I come back from vacation in Vegas I see my news feeds flood with people debating over dieting trends and basically saying my way is better than your way Truth. There is more than one way to skin the cat as they say, so instead of ripping up PROVEN approaches that do work, why not accept and respect that different dieting works for different people. What some people neglect to understand that there is a big difference between what a non natural and a natural athlete can get away with in regards to dieting, training and cardio... In a nutshell just stop to realize that any way that gets you to your goal obviously worked. Not saying the long term effect may be right, and you or I may disagree with some things/approaches, there still must be respect among the coaches and athletes in the industry. Im truly grateful for the time away from social media because some of the things I see flood my news feed make me wonder wth is wrong with some people in this industry.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 19:52:20 +0000

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