As I get older, I grow increasingly weary of Christians making - TopicsExpress


As I get older, I grow increasingly weary of Christians making every excuse imaginable as to not fellowshipping consistently with the Body of Christ. The Bible is so crystal clear about it. Those of us who say we are Christians need to reaffirm what that means. The term Christian literally means Christ-one. It means we have made a choice to be His followers, no matter what. To those who feel it is legalistic to challenge people like this, there is a HUGE difference between being legalistic vs. preaching good character and obedience. Being led by the Spirit is more than following your subjective feelings. The Holy Spirit, the precious One that I have known for 41 years, does NOT approve when Gods children ignore the Body of their Savior. The Holy Ghost does NOT lead people in opposition to the Word of God, but in agreement. I have ministered the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit all over the world, to thousands of people, and Never once has He told me to prophecy: Go to church when the Spirit leads you to! NO! Why? Because that statement does not agree with His Word. When the Bible gives you clear commands, you do not pray and ask the Holy Spirit as to whether you should do it! You dont need to be led by the Holy Ghost when the Bible has already told you what to do! The Spirit and the Word always are in agreement. I reject any pseudo-spirituality that stands in opposition to the Word of God, and so should you. I want to challenge you this morning: If you say with your lips that you are a Christ-one, then deal with the hindrances that have beset you, and recommit your whole life to Jesus Christ. When I was 15 years old, my big sister said to me: A person should not call themselves a Christian if they cannot give God a couple of hours a week to worship Him with His people. I am so grateful to her for telling me that when I was a baby Christian. I have never forgotten that, and those words have kept me faithful to Gods people for 41 years now. Have I gotten weary at times? Yes! Have I thought about quitting at times? Certainly! Have I been hurt by other Christians? OHHH YESSSS!!! Do I see Hypocrites in Churches? Yep, there are some in every church. But I constantly see people I love, ignoring the example and the command of Christ. I have seen so many pay the price of disobedience, unnecessarily so. I see single women who used to go to our church, now hopping from man to man, from bed to bed, never finding true love. Cheapening themselves with each relationship, because they wont get in church and wait for the Lord to bring a godly man into their lives. I can say the same about many young brothers I know who have strayed from the path. This is just one example of something I see frequently, because these people have neglected the support of other believers, the anointed preaching of the Bible, and the awesome Presence of God that manifests during praise and worship. HERE IS A CHALLENGE TO YOU, DEAR FACEBOOK FRIENDS: I know many of you read my postings; I have over 1,100 Facebook friends. I invite your comments on this issue, and on what I have written. I invite you to tell me why YOU say you are a Christian, and yet remain unchurched. I welcome any and all comments. I warn you... I will respond boldly, lovingly, and honestly. I promise, if you write something here, I will read it, pray over it, and respond. I hope this will provoke some good conversation and fellowship. I AM ASKING FOR YOUR REASONS. YALL KNOW WHO YOU ARE! TELL ME (IF YOU CLAIM TO BELONG TO CHRIST, TO BE HIS FOLLOWER) YOUR REASONS FOR STAYING OUT OF CHURCH.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 10:52:47 +0000

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