As I go through this chapter on Thermodynamics, I think it is very - TopicsExpress


As I go through this chapter on Thermodynamics, I think it is very safe to conclude that I crammed my way through Physics in grade 11, because theres no explanation as to why I got an A for this particular section when I am actually only understanding it at this very moment. The question necessarily must be: exactly HOW did I ace something I did not fully understand? It can only mean that I crammed my way through an A. Im now more than ever convinced that this system of passing students on the basis of their exam marks is a failed measure of capacity. Anyone with a photographic memory can ace an exam without ever having understood what the hell they were even writing. A student can write word-for-word all Laws of Thermodynamics, label diagrams, give definitions and even give correct answers without having any semblance of comprehension of the subject matter. This country needs to drop this OBE/NSC system and develop the Finland education system for us. It works. It is not an accident that it is the top ranking education system inspite of its unorthodox methods, including not using exams as a base for progression. At this rate, were going to produce more functional illiterates like myself. #GoesBackToStudying
Posted on: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 23:40:20 +0000

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