As I have been taking care of my son after shoulder surgery, I am - TopicsExpress


As I have been taking care of my son after shoulder surgery, I am watching him experience many of the words John Maxwell shared as he begins to recover. The challenges of recovery include all the words. He hurt it Lifting. Lifting to become stronger and helping others train to be their best! He is enduring the pain to get back to what he loves. Tough times dont last! He is abundantly blessed that he will see 100% recovery provided he follows the course set before him. He is a river...not a reservoir!! ENDURANCE Life is not 100 m, 200 m, 400 m or even a half marathon. Life is a full marathon that takes a life time. The winners are those who just keep on running and are only committed to the finish line no matter what happens along the way. So my friends keep on keeping on: The harder the battle, the sweeter the victory. Keep on Keepin on! Most people give up just before they break through to the next level. At the end of the day its consistency that wins. Its not always going to be rainbows and candy canes. Tough times dont last, Tough People do! Its enduring through the tough times that builds character. No one wants to go through it, but we are better off once we do. Its just a season that we go through. As we know seasons change. Make sure you are planting positive seeds in the Springtime so you can grow your relationships throughout the year. Race is not to the swiftest nor to the strongest, but to him that endures to the is filled with challenges that we will only win if we stick at it and endure. ABUNDANCE I love the idea of being like a river, not a reservoir! Not holding on to things too tightly, but passing them on and sharing instead. A Pastor, Dick Wills, always said in 50 years, everything you own will belong to someone else. He reminded us to build our treasure in Heaven, and share our wealth on earth. Wow. Be like a wave in the ocean. Continue to receive, continue to give. Be a river, not a reservoir. Pass on what you receive, is a simple however, very profound principle because as you pass on you expand others and also expand your capacity for to receive more and to be the gift that keeps on giving. You are there to invent the possibility for yourself and others to achieve expanded results. Todays word is LIFT Lifting recognises, the challenges of extra effort, extra energy, extra motivation , extra resources and the extra mile needed which, one can not walk alone. The ability to see that challenge/gap and bring along the support needed to fill in the gap, the extra energy needed to make the improvement, to move someone from discouragement is a lift That extra tap needed to make a difference in someones life . Barnabas of the bible is known for his great LIFT skills. Go out make it an Ah Mazing day has you endure your challenges,while lifting others up and receiving the Abundant blessings awaiting you! Live your Dash ...Dont Give Up! Keep on keeping on! :) Be a Barnabas to someone else!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 16:44:27 +0000

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