As I have posted before, my husband and I are heading back to the - TopicsExpress


As I have posted before, my husband and I are heading back to the U.S. for me to have a heart procedure. We need a new home for our dog Luna, an eight-year-old German shepherd, because we cannot keep her in the home where well be living, and we leave early Friday morning, Jan. 9, so time is short to rehome her. Please put the word out to everyone you know; please help us find a good home for Luna. Here are some specific details about her health and behavior. Dr. Faran Dometz, the most fantastic vet Ive ever met, assessed her today, because I want to give full disclosure to whoever adopts her. He said he would be happy to give more information to anyone interested in adopting her. First, he said shes a sweet dog and he would take her himself if he could, but he cant now. He said her ideal home would be without children or other dogs. (However, she is doing well with another dog who moved with her owner into our household today.) She has an eye problem hes working to diagnose (there are three possibilities), but he said its not causing her pain at present and she sees well, but it could progress. (Two other vets had treated this problem unsuccessfully in the past without really properly examining her.) Shes on steroids this week that will rule one possibility in or out after seven days. She has a free follow-up available in one week--the day after we leave--to check her eyes, but hes also coming over Wednesday to check her again before we leave. She has a couple of other problems that he can explain better than I can, but she is in good health generally, with good heart and lungs. He gave her a rabies shot just to be cautious--older dogs dont generally need this--and clipped her nails today, and she behaved well for that. She does not like strangers to get in her face, so we now warn people about that to avoid problems; she scratched a couple of people in the past who tried to hold her head, but she is perfectly fine with people who give her time to get used to them. Putting her in a situation with food on a low table and another dog can cause her to be aggressive; that situation resulted in a bite once. She is old enough to be considered a geriatric dog, so her remaining lifespan is likely to be four or five years, Dr. Dometz said, and of course, older dogs have more health problems than younger ones.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 01:30:48 +0000

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