As I have sat and watched in peace I would like to introduce - TopicsExpress


As I have sat and watched in peace I would like to introduce myself to you all as well. My name is George Ragsdale Jr. I was raised Roman Catholic as many others on here. I have to go a little further I am/was related to Pope John Paul II as he was my Third cousin. My whole life I studied to be a Priest and do what is right. I grew up Joined the Army and Got Married so No longer able to be a priest. I divorced in the Catholic Church not my idea but happened regardless. I Medically retired out of the Army to Arkansas. I met a great Woman whom I did not know that she was a Mormon dated for two years Married after knowing she was the one. She still did not tell me she was LDS. I asked her why she never went to church with me and one day she told me. She asked for permission for the Missionaries to come over to give her the lessons again. As raised by my mom and dad to respect others I was sure bring them on. I sat outside while they taught my wife. Until one day Sister and Elder Smith from Utah showed up at my door. Knocked and I answered He said HI My name is Elder Smith this is my wife Sister Smith this is my only wife I do not have ten more back in Utah. I laughed so hard I listened to what he had to talk about. I did as he asked and read and prayed. I received the sign I needed to confirm upon my the news that there is more to what I have a knowledge of. I knew it before they came I knew it when I was younger. I was baptized not even a month later by a young gentleman by the name of Elder Tyler Hildt. a young man I see in the future as a seventy. I Love this gospel I love that Jesus is the Christ, I know there is a Profit on the Earth today and his name is President Thomas S. Monson. I know we are to live a humble and giving Life. When we are in service for others we are in service for God himself. I love my Brothers and Sisters all of them No matter what they do there is always a way back to Gods Promises. I say these things Out Loud In the name of our Savior Jesus Christ Amen
Posted on: Tue, 13 May 2014 02:39:22 +0000

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