As I introspect on the past days - Acche Din as was promised by - TopicsExpress


As I introspect on the past days - Acche Din as was promised by Mr.Narendra Modi, I see a lot of mixed developments in the last 6 months or so. Reading headlines on newspapers every day, you can very well argue that he has apparently boosted the image of India on the world stage. Be it big-shot agreements with countries like Russia, China and the United States, invitation of Mr.Obama to the forthcoming republic day, the Make in India pitch and the campaign for a Swacch Bharat. Atleast, people/politicians are now talking about Development. But no one can deny that on one side our PM blares out the slogan of Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikaas on every podium while on the other, the government appears to be an embarrassing bedlam of free speech, which goes a full 180 degrees against his argument. While the senior ministers want a national book, junior ministers want a government of Ramzaadas; governors want Ram Temples, MPs want Nathuram Godse to be remembered as a patriot and the RSS wants to increase the tally of Hindus by as much as possible. Apart from major flip-flops or ‘U-turns’, their decisions are strikingly similar to those followed by the UPA govt. whom they had lambasted openly when they sat on the opposition benches. Take for example the govt. citing agreements with foreign nations to be unable to disclose names of black money holders. Also, the govt. backed by its ideological parent, the RSS, should absolutely refrain from mixing national pride with Education and Science in the country. (Going by the recent moves of stalling of field trials of GM crops and replacing German with Sanskrit in schools) Though the reform and development agenda of the government is a fresh change from the previous regime which was marred by corruption and subsidy-driven agenda for the poor, it should focus more on big-ticket reforms like those on eradicating Corruption and Red Tapism in the bureaucracy and shunning of any steps of appeasement (any religious community/party/people) which derails this agenda. Remember, the famous Lee Kuan Yew , the reformer and the previous Prime Minster of Singapore. In the 1960’s and 70’s, Singapore faced identical and even more pressing problems which India faces today - Corruption, in-efficient bureaucracy, riots and on top of that an acute lack of natural resources. Singapore whose future looked bleak to the world emerged victorious and ever more strong, led by Mr.Lee’s determined administration. His policies should be the guiding factor for us as well while we tread on the path of a better India so that the Acche Din sees the light of the day very soon! We are waiting till then Mr. Prime Minister! - Jayant Nahata
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 12:58:37 +0000

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