As I lay here in bed I start to think about how the time has past - TopicsExpress


As I lay here in bed I start to think about how the time has past by and whats left for 2014. In about 18 hours we will start a new year with new beginning welcoming 2015. For me 2014 has brought me lots of sadness losing many beloved friends and family members but I know they are all in a better place now with different purpose in life. My familia and how its growing and blessing me with more grandbabies and God letting me live to enjoy these moments with them. Also for letting me have my mom and dad another year and cherishing every moments with them. 2014 has also brought me new friends that have cross my path and reunited me with old friends and boy toy. :) My health has been good besides my injury but the good thing is the last piece of the puzzle has been completed and now its about recovery :) Im blessed with still having a job and working with awesome people who I care for very much. Overall Im grateful for what life has given me and things/people that have cross my path. What I expect for 2015, well I know one thing for sure is a new granddaughter 😘 I cant wait to hold her in my arms but most of all whom will I spend it with when that clock strikes 12. Today I light a candle with my Virgencita on it and I pray to please show me more and to guide me on the strike of 12 who is more worthily of my heart and of my happiness and of my friendship. To many fake people out there. I was always taught and was told to remember this simple phrase: words can be said in many different ways to make you believe and fall into the trap but ACTIONS are more worthy then word and I stand my grounds on this which all of you should. Keep your head up high your worth more then just a phone call, email, inbox, texts of just words that dont mean a thing. What good are they to you... Ill tell you not one darn good!!!!!! ACTIONS is what good for you and willing to show you how much they care not only when u go and you take time for them but they dont do it for you. Kind of makes you wonder how selfish they are and if this is what you want in your life .....I just pray and wish for all of you on the strike of 12 to be blessed with love and happiness and for those who are struggling to survive not to struggle anymore. Let our Virgencita chula guide me as well as all of you to a new year and another wonderful year of life.... Please be safe and let the count down begin :) saying goodbye to 2014 and hello 2015 Love you all and Happy New Year 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉💋💋💋💋💋💋
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 13:57:57 +0000

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