As I lay me down to sleep in reflection of today I really pray - TopicsExpress


As I lay me down to sleep in reflection of today I really pray that our education system goes back to making morality their priority in teaching and not just scores. That teachers teach because they want to make that vocation NOT a career, parents will SUPPORT their teachers and not degrade them for simply pointing out their childs negative behavior that diminishes quality teaching to other students who want to learn, that administrators do THEIR part and diminish their 6 figure salary they have not earned, and finally the students- no one owes you anything, you want a future EARN it by showing your worth. You can start doing this by taking those damn earphones out of your ears (the only person you should be hearing is your teacher), make eye contact when having a conversation. Leave your phone in your locker, your job for the 7 hours your in school is to learn(not be on the phone or using it to cheat or taking and sending inappropriate pictures to eachother- by the way its not your phone your parents pay for it). Do not curse or speak in a disrespectful manner to your teachers, dont talk over your teachers or interrupt, treat others as you wish to be treated and last but not least DO NOT TAKE WHAT IS NOT YOURS, remember as I already said no one owes you anything. We all make our own paths and create our own futures. Sorry for the rant. But I pray that there will be a change in education and parenting. Im not perfect but do feel like the minority.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 05:50:12 +0000

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