As I look at my girl laying in that bed, tears streaming down my - TopicsExpress


As I look at my girl laying in that bed, tears streaming down my face, I ask WHY? If it was a broken leg, cancer or a recognized medical problem; the problem is diagnosed, the treatment course would be clear, access to local hospitals/providers/services are available, research is plentiful & willingly funded while extensive measures are taken to keep patients alive & healthy. Because it is in her head, it is now considered a Mental Health issue which changes how her medical course of treatment. For years we have been fighting for a concrete diagnosis, for local quality providers/support& family services, for needed testing to be covered. Through the years her issues have gotten worse and now here we are - thanking God she is in this bed alive. Mental health issues are REAL! Depression, Anxiety, Mood Disorders, ADHD, Autism are REAL! These issues Hurt and they do Kill just like medical problems. Why dont our friends & family, or our community, or health care system understand and acknowledge this ?? Why, in this society, is Mental Health a stigma, a secret or something shameful??? My daughters issue is an unseen illness!! It is not visible to the eye nor can it be detected by standard medical testing. Instead we are limited with our options due insurance, DSM criteria and availability of facilities. Our daughter needs different therapies, medication, access to testing not covered by insurance, local hospital care, local providers, local supports. Local providers and services are over-taxed and limited, while local mental health hospitals/facilities are non-existent. Mental Health patients and their families are entitled to, and should receive, the same quality care as a patient with a medical diagnosis or condition - no questions asked or no hoops to jump thru! This is NOT just a local situation regarding our family, this is the reality of our Mental Healthcare system nationwide! This is truly a national crisis.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 14:57:18 +0000

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