As I look thru scripture today I find myself in Second - TopicsExpress


As I look thru scripture today I find myself in Second Corinthians. I am looking at 2 Corinthians Chapter 3 Verse 16: "Nevertheless when one turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. One Hebrew word for Lord is Adonia. Another is YHWH, remember that most Jewish writing leaves out the vowel marks. There is no vowels in Hebrew, only dots, dashes and dageshes to indicate where a vowel sound would be attached to a consonant. In particular Jews almost never say or write the name of God, so instead of writing Yahweh, they will write it YHWH. Yhwh means in Hebrew, the proper name of the one true God, knowledge and use of the name implies a personal or covenant relationship with God. What a powerful promise! When we turn to the Lord, any veil screening us from beholding His glory is removed! Jesus proposed a question stating: "Why do you call me Lord, Lord and not do the things which I say?" The Greek word for Lord is Kurios. It means "Supreme in Authority." It also has the meaning of ownership! The Lord is the creator, ruler and owner or the universe and all that is in it. As Supreme Authority, He placed man with delegated authority in the garden of Eden. But man really messed up in the garden by eating of the tree of Knowledge or the tree of good and evil. By doing so, Adam basically turned over his dominion to Satan! Now, at the cross, Jesus redeemed back what was lost by Adam! Now, we have the choice back. We can relinquish complete ownership of our lives to Jesus or retain it and remain trapped in a lost and dying world! Did you know Yeshua Jesus was also called "The last Adam?" Please remember that my opinions are just that, opinions. Just read what I post and get your own opinions....what the Holy Ghost might be telling you. I look at the world today and see so much turmoil going on, espically in the Middle East! The Middle East is melting down. Could it be that the fire from God is upon them? I believe that America is now living under a curse from God. We have not, as a country blessed Israel and the Jewish people. Under Obama, America has abandoned our Best ally. God said of Abraham and Israel, "I will bless those who bless you and curse them who curse you." I believe we are now living under that curse! As a country we may under that curse, but as individuals I believe we have the ability to bless Israel and the Jews and escape the curse that Obama has brought upon us. Pray for the peace of Israel. Pray for the Jewish people. Support them in your prayers, thoughts, words and finances. God will bless you for it! As a friend of mine says: God said it, I believe it, that settles it! As always, Have faith and Keep the Faith. Peace
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 22:49:24 +0000

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