As I mentioned hours ago, on with the RANT. It is very frustrating - TopicsExpress


As I mentioned hours ago, on with the RANT. It is very frustrating and aggravating to be awake sometimes. What I mean by that is when you see the world through a different set of eyes and see the world as it really is, its difficult to communicate the truth to people in a way where they understand what the hell youre talking about. It is even more difficult to understand how people who claim to be awake not have a clue what the hell theyre talking about. When I had my podcast, in a little under a year I had thousands tuning in around the world to hear my perspective on the truth. I never claimed, and still do not, to know everything and nobody does. But what I do know is I have been studying and researching into the things I talk and post about for years. Many sleepless nights, many amounts of lost time, to find the answers. I always tried and still do, to break things down in a way where even a beginner can understand. Many people think they have an answer or solution to the problems facing America and in geopolitics. In reality most dont know what they are saying because they dont understand the foundation. The foundation of the why, how, who, what and when. FOX, CNN, MSNBC, etc will not/do not tell you any of the truth. They may touch the outskirts from time to time, but never the full truth. In the state run media we are told the US and other countries are currently bombing ISIS in Iraq and Syria. This is false. They cannot bomb ISIS(Al-Qaeda)because they have been the Globalists mainstream hit squad for a long time and for a long time to come. ISIS, again Al-Qaeda, are the boogeymen. They always need a boogeyman to justify unjust wars and loss of rights and freedoms. The plan has always been to overthrow Al-Assad in Syria. Just like they overthrew Saddam and Gaddafi. When the puppets dont play by their rules, its time to go. Terrorism is the Globalists Ace card and the masses fall for it every time hook line and sinker. Did you know Israel with some help created Hamas? Sound familiar right? The US created and fund Al-Qaeda. Problem. Reaction. Solution. See the pattern? As I said earlier this RANT will piss some people off. Israel was also created by the Rothschilds and have been stealing Palestinian land for decades. Its because they have to get rid of Hamas of course right? Just like how the US and England invade Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries, overthrow their puppet government, take control of the infrastructure and divide the land. Its because they have to get rid of Al-Qaeda right? Israel, the US, British Intelligence and of course Saudi Arabia were behind the September 11th attacks. Thats in the classified 28 pages they dont want us to see. Netanyahu supports ISIS along with the west. ISIS is just the excuse they need. A very prominent Freemason, from the Scottish Rite, Albert Pike wrote in a letter to Mazzini about the three world wars to bring about a One World Order. The New World Order. The first two came to fruition, the third seems to be falling into place everyday. Like I said this RANT will be shorter than others and I wont bore you any further. Just try to understand truth and turn away from the state run media lies and deceit. I appreciate all of you who like and share this page. I will post another RANT in the next day or so. Kind of jumped all over on this one, I promise to shape it up next time! Remember, Strength in Numbers!
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 04:42:18 +0000

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