As I mentioned last week, we were invited to a temple to meet the - TopicsExpress


As I mentioned last week, we were invited to a temple to meet the high priest and his elephant. In the beginning I didnt want to, but then I realised that maybe this was my call to be able to make a difference. We had a tuk tuk collect us, the driver took us to a hidden place, not a temple. There chained to a tree was, what I can only describe as I worn, old female that reminded me of dear Raju, under nourished, thin and very sad. Her mahout kept hitting her with a stick, I told him to stop, he didnt. Her chains were to short and tight she could not move at all. I was at this point crying, as I am now writing this. She was looking at me, smelling me with her trunk and the tears of sadness were dripping down her worn, battered face. The mahout told me to climb onto her for a ride, I told him that, thats not going to happen, he then asked for money, I refused, he got angry! I asked where the priest was, I was told at the Marari Shiva Temple we then told our driver to take us there. There was no priest or anyone also there to talk to us. I felt her pain, her need for love and her need of freedom. I have no idea what we can do but expose her misery, the temple she belongs to and her where a bouts in the hope that enough people will act towards her freedom. Bless all those that care enough to share this information.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 17:05:29 +0000

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