As I noted in an earlier post, my goal this year is to donate $10 - TopicsExpress


As I noted in an earlier post, my goal this year is to donate $10 out of every paycheck I earn to a worthy organization (plus a monthly $5 contribution to Oxfam). Im just a lowly college student so funds arent exactly plentiful, but I have decided to make the effort to help those in need. It’s doing the most I can with what little I have. Last week, I donated to Doctors Without Borders; this week, Population Services International. A wonderful resource for finding reputable charities is The Life You Can Save, an organization founded by the philosopher Peter Singer and based on the basic tenet of Effective Altruism: leading an ethical life involves using a portion of personal wealth and resources to efficiently alleviate the effects of extreme poverty. Everyone remembers the ‘Ice Bucket Challenge’. People came together and raised a lot of money for a worthy cause. We can do the same, not just for ALS, but for the millions living in abject poverty, unable to find clean drinking water and ravaged by preventable diseases. My challenge to all those that ‘Like’ this page is to make an effort to donate at least $20/month to some charitable organization(s). Please watch this powerful video and consider making a difference in the world.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 22:22:55 +0000

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