As I once had already told you about the worst wildest expert - TopicsExpress


As I once had already told you about the worst wildest expert beast cruel criminal reactions and treats of various well-tortured and well-harassed moods and matters of intoxically poison drug-medicationspills and injectionsdozes up against me Mr Fouad ZENNARI, that both of the whole Moroccan National Locally AuthoritiesTeam within the worst live deadly dead well-violated and well-violent reactions and turning treats of death-penaltiesneedlescrimesessaies and tries, especially; while the whole Moroccan National Locally Psychiatrique ServicesSIDI HUSSEIN BEN ASSEUR HOSPITAL in OUARZAZATE CITY in the main SOUTHREN SITE OF MOROCCO COUNTRY; they have yearly been reinforcing against me to be terribly treated into more than 10 000 mgs of various intoxically poison drug-medicationspills and injectionsdopes against me so as to aim to kill me and earthen me in the main expert beast cruel well-criminalized illegal and inhumanly savagely ways and rules since I only was 16 years old up to right today; I am at last 42 years old and then, I am physically well-destroyed to suffer out the worst actual deadly dead physique handicapped illnesses + I am mentally suffered out the worst real unbearable brainwashings disorders + I right today live on in the worst dirtiest uncommon loss, marginalizations and neglectsMaze within that I have every years been suffering out since 1989s up to right today; 2014s, precisely at the Local Hospital which is called SIDI HUSSEIN BEN ASSEUR HOSPITAL , where both of the whole Moroccan National Locally Expert Beast Cruel Criminal Team Of Nurses, Medecines, Doctors and ChururgiensTeam ; they have every years been turning against thousands of thousands of deep-rooted quite innocent young and children patients and victims to be illegally killed and earthen in the worst horrible unbelievable treats and reactions of various intoxically poison drug-medicationspills and injectionsdozes up since 1970s up to right nowadays; 2014s. In any cases, you sincerely should know that the most of them had already retired to be legally paid by the main New Moroccan Reformed Governmental Constitutions. But, unfortunately the major of them are still working out to abuse to torture to violate to commit many of many expert beast cruel well-criminalized and well-harassed treats and reactions as well as moods of various death-penaltiesneedlescrimes that both of Mrs Erramdani the main old expert beast cruel criminal Chururgien + Mrs Mouhamed Khoumouss, Brahim Ait-Oukhashiff, Soussou, Saaid - EL - Jermatti, Akbab, Ahmoush, Khalid, Hassani, Moummadi, those whole Moroccan Psychiatrique Nurses within Mrs Salama, El-Kharrati,............................ect; those main Moroccan Local Doctors of SIDI HUSSEIN BEN ASSEUR HOSPITAL in OUARZAZATE CITY in the Southren Site Of Morocco Country; they have every years been working out to abuse to torture to violate and violent against every kinds of the main deep-rooted Ouarzazi Patients and Victims whom they have immediately killed to cease out them Nobel Organs of Human-beingsTrays to commercelize them as Veins, Blood,..............ect; to the National Secret Bank Of Nobel Human-beingsOrgans in Casablanca City and then, they have in time transported to Geneva the Capital Of Swiss Country; where they have freely been working out to stock them to gain thousands of thousands of Millions Of Euros and Dollars Of the Biggest SumsMoney to make many of many various International Expert Illegal Entreprises of Black TradeProduces since 1970s up to right today; 2014s. So, both of Mrs Erramdani, Mouhamed Khoumouss, Brahim - Ait-Oukhashiff, Salama, El-Kharrati.............................ect; they have every years been working out to build and build up many of many National Secret Entreprises of Black TradeProduces and Building many of many National Secret High BuildingsEntreprises around the whole Big Cities as Casablanca City, Marrakesh City, Agadir City, Ouejda City, Tangier City, Layoune City.....................ect; where they have yearly been working out in the most high abslute expert beast cruel well-corrupted illegal and inhuman ways and rules of the main National well-corrupted illegal rules of social and economicsdisabiltiesways since 1970s up to right today; 2014s. In any cases, you sincerely should know that the most of them had already retired to be legally paid by the main New Moroccan Reformed Governmental Constitutions. But, unfortunately the major of them are still working out to abuse to torture to violate to commit many of many expert beast cruel well-criminalized and well-harassed treats and reactions as well as moods of various death-penaltiesneedlescrimes that both of Mrs Erramdani the main old expert beast cruel criminal Chururgien + Mrs Mouhamed Khoumouss, Brahim Ait-Oukhashiff, Soussou, Saaid - EL - Jermatti, Akbab, Ahmoush, Khalid, Hassani, Moummadi, those whole Moroccan Psychiatrique Nurses within Mrs Salama, El-Kharrati,............................ect; those main Moroccan Local Doctors of SIDI HUSSEIN BEN ASSEUR HOSPITAL in OUARZAZATE CITY in the Southren Site Of Morocco Country; they have every years been working out to abuse to torture to violate and violent against every kinds of the main deep-rooted Ouarzazi Patients and Victims whom they have immediately killed to cease out them Nobel Organs of Human-beingsTrays to commercelize them as Veins, Blood,..............ect; to the National Secret Bank Of Nobel Human-beingsOrgans in Casablanca City and then, they have in time transported to Geneva the Capital Of Swiss Country; where they have freely been working out to stock them to gain thousands of thousands of Millions Of Euros and Dollars Of the Biggest SumsMoney to make many of many various International Expert Illegal Entreprises of Black TradeProduces since 1970s up to right today; 2014s. So, both of Mrs Erramdani, Mouhamed Khoumouss, Brahim - Ait-Oukhashiff, Salama, El-Kharrati.............................ect; they have every years been working out to build and build up many of many National Secret Entreprises of Black TradeProduces and Building many of many National Secret High BuildingsEntreprises around the whole Big Cities as Casablanca City, Marrakesh City, Agadir City, Ouejda City, Tangier City, Layoune City.....................ect; where they have yearly been working out in the most high abslute expert beast cruel well-corrupted illegal and inhuman ways and rules of the main National well-corrupted illegal rules of social and economicsdisabiltiesways since 1970s up to right today; 2014s. As a result, You actually should know that there are right today lost away thousands of thousands of the main deep-rooted well-marginalized and well-neglected victims whom they are really become as the main live deadly dead lost away very young crazy men whome they are right today struggling out to live on as the main live deadly dead well-neglected and well-lost away too young victims in Ouarzazate City in the main Southren Site Of Morocco Country; where none and nobody of the whole Moroccan National Locally Human Rights Associations and OrganisationsResponsibleTeam have every years been working out to steal and corrupt to use the whole International Wards, Humanitarian Uses and Tools that both of the whole International Human Rights Assoctaions and OrganizationsTeam as Amnesty International , Red Cross, C.C.H.R, O.M.C.T.........................ect; they have yearly been stollen and betrayed to lose thousands of thousands of the main International Human RightsWards and Humanitarian Uses and ToolsKinds within that they have every years been working out to make thousands of thousands of the main Interntional Biggest AmendmentsDonnations Of Millions Of Millions Of Euros and DollarsSumsMoney to get them run away to Abroad, especially to the European, Asian, American, Australian International Banks to stock out them own inner various International absolutely well-fortune financial sumsmoney to become the main Interntional actually expert crule well-corrupted and well-betrayed Team that none and nobody have never been investigated to intervenee to arrive at what I right now told you about. Please, please, please, what I really would like You to work out about TO INVESTIGATE TO INTERVENEE TO OUARZAZATE CITY in the main SOUTHREN SITE OF MOROCCO COUNTRY to arrive at those whole Moroccan National Locally Expert Beast Cruel Criminal Team whom they have yearly been working out to abuse to torture to violate to kill and earthen to steal to corrupt to commercelize in the main Interntional Expert Beast Cruel Criminal Well-corrupted and Well-betrayed Rules, illegally; since 1970s up to right today; 2014s. Of course, because You are Internationally working out to defend against torture , abuses, death-penaltiesneedlescrimes, betrays, corruptionsmatters, moods..............ect, to execute to jail whom they have Internationally been working out to commit any kinds of crimes thats why I right now contact You to set up to work out to do Your best of the best International Legal, Executive and Humanitarian Efforts and Services to be personally investigated to OUARZAZATE CITY in the main SOUTHREN SITE OF MOROCCO COUNTRY; where thousands of thousands of the main National actually Secret Illegal and Inhuman well-corrupted and well-abusive...........ect; ways and rules , they have every years been working out to steal to corrupt to commit thousands of thousands of various actualy freely expert beast cruel well-criminalized and well-tortured as well as well-harassed treats and moods of death-penaltiesneedlescrimesessaies and tries to corrupt in various expert beast cruel well-violated rules and moods since 1970s up to right today; 2014s. Many Humble Thanks To All Of You In Advance. I impatiently wait forwards to hearging from You in urgent legal , executive and humanitarian waysreply as possible as You truly can. Best Regards. Always, Yours Sincerely, Mr Fouad ZENNARI.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 22:23:50 +0000

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