As I opened my eyes on that clear autumn morning, the sun - TopicsExpress


As I opened my eyes on that clear autumn morning, the sun streaming through the bedroom windows fell lightly on the beautiful shape silhouetted by the blankets. Her deep breathing tells me she hasnt awoken yet. Her golden blonde hair draped down her back and shoulders, shimmers in the morning light. I slide closer and kiss her shoulder. She stirs ever so slightly as if just coming out of a dream. Her eyes open and her green eyes shimmer like emeralds. Her lips part, as a smile creeps across her face. Good morning Johnathan. She turns and kisses me softly on the lips. I can smell her sweet scent as she pulls back. She gently pulls back the covers and sits up. Her arms arching above her head as she stretches. Her feet slide out of the covers and touch the floor. Her bare back and ass peek out at me, as her hair flows down her back. With one last little stretch she stands and tiptoes across the wooden floor towards the door at the end of the bedroom. She pauses to glance over her shoulder at me. A sly little smile on her lips as she disappears into the shower room. I lay back and think about all the wonderful mornings we have spent together. The distinct sound of spraying water comes from the next room. A light puffy cloud of steam escapes from the top of the door. The angled mirror shows her figure on the glass door of the shower. Water teaming down her back and legs makes me rise from the bed. I tiptoe towards the door staying out of the reflection in the mirror. I slip inside the door. The window in the shower room streams in light. The water flowing down her breasts glistens like diamonds and slopes down her stomach in tiny streams. Her small patch of hair shaved into a small strip above her clit springs up and down with the rhythm of the falling water. I step into the shower with her and caress her back. The sponge and soap easily within reach beg to be adorned on her body. The small suds run down her chest and off her nipples. I wrap my arms around her and begin to rub her stomach. She lets her arms fall to her sides and her hands rub the tops of my thighs. My cock stands ready for our morning play time and brushes against her back. Her hair now completely drenched and full of soap and shampoo, smells heavenly. I turn her around and lean her head back toward the shower head. Water falls toward her eyes and I wipe it gently away. I rub her hair and twist it gently about the top of her head. She opens her eyes again. Beautiful fields of clover look up at me. I lean into her as our lips and tongues meet. She grabs my shoulders and pulls herself up to meet my kiss. Slowly we part and her hands fall to my chest. I reach over and slide the glass door open. She takes my hand and leads me to the sink. Standing there staring into the mirror, I kiss her neck. Her head thrusts backwards to meet my attack on her nape. Her hand finds my hard shaft. She strokes it gently but firmly. I grab her breasts and gently roll her nipples between my fingers. She moans so sofly and leans back further to take my tongue in her mouth again. We stand there locked together in a long embrace. I reach down to slowly rub her pussy and find her hand has already started what I am lovingly going to finish. She is still wet from the shower and my fingers slide over her clit with ease. Her body shudders at my touch. Her moans get louder. Her hand still stroking my shaft gets tighter and faster. I slide two fingers deep inside her and the sudden presure on her G-spot illicits a small scream of plesure. Faster and faster my fingers rub inside her while my thumb presses on her clit. She quickly spins around and hops on the sink counter and pulls me toward her, all the while guiding my cock towards her hungry pussy. In one quick movement she has me buried inside her all the way up to the hilt. She wraps her legs around me and I carry her to the bed. I pull her legs up and over my shoulders as her back hits the mattress. She kisses me hard as I begin to slide in and out of her. There we stayed with our tounges probing each others mouths. Her hands on my ass pulling me down into her. My hands squeezing and pinching her nipples. My cock pounding away at her as hard and as fast as I could. We both came over and over and over again. Never stopping, slowing down or missing a beat till out of sheer exhaustion we collapse together. Both of us panting and gasping for breath, she says, I think we need another shower..
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 08:46:37 +0000

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