As I picked up on the politics of the day, over the last few days, - TopicsExpress


As I picked up on the politics of the day, over the last few days, it has become apparent just as I predicted that, someone or group of strong money = power has used their wielding ways of wealth influence, to sway the direction of the decisions and statements of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, John Boehner. This time his position has even been open and freely expressed and discussed by a number of his GOP and Tea Party friendly members in the House of Representatives. He has done an about face from his previous statement and position concerning the federal government shut down and the debt ceiling debate. His original position was one of not letting the federal government close its doors if the president would stop the progress of the Affordable Care Act. The Democratic Senate and the president answered back that they would not and could not because the act had been signed into law and tested in court and was already being implemented and would be totally in place beginning on October 1st 2013. When John and the Republican Party realized they couldn’t stop the ACA they offered a compromise to delay the ACA for one year and they would present a clear continuation of funding bill with a debt limit much lower than what the administration felt was necessary for the country to operate on and again the Democrats repeated that they could not stop the health care act. So the threat of a federal shutdown still loomed in the next few days. Now the ACA is in place totally and the date of the federal shutdown has come on us, with government locations all over the county closed and people furloughed or laid off and the President has offered to accept a clean funding bill at the rate that the Republicans wanted which was much below what he really wanted it to be. Now John, after some deliberation in his office with who knows who has changed his position to one that says he will not negotiate a clear funding bill even at the rate that he and the House members wanted earlier and hasn’t said what their plan is if any to avoid a federal default on the countries loan payments and with realizing how devastating that would be to the nation’s economy. Now he is trying to spin the fault for this back to the Democrats by saying that Obama won’t negotiate even though Barack Obama has agreed to come down to the Republicans level of funding on the continuation bill. Just send it through. At this time it obvious to all of us that whoever has their hands on the tiller and is steering the boat is not in the office of John Boehner. It is some faction of outsiders of the congress that have the clout and power to control the boats movements in their own favor without regard to what happens to the smaller people of this country knowing that these moves are to their benefit and they won’t be harmed by any losses because their money is not being held in U. S. dollars. It’s in gold or silver and being held in some other country that isn’t questionable by the federal reserve, and these people do have the money = power to use to influence (either for or against) individuals or groups of government officials in order to get what they need and they are shrewd enough to cover their trail. You can almost see the pressure in Johns eyes and by now he knows that we know. The question is will he continue to bow down to the power or take a chance and do the right thing. Bring the CR to a vote in the House to prove if the votes are there or not and lets get on with other business.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 14:45:07 +0000

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