As I ponder about some of the thinks I have like and shared on - TopicsExpress


As I ponder about some of the thinks I have like and shared on facebook, I have to ask myself some questions. Have I been especially kind to the people who need it the most but quite possibly deserve it the least (those acting out in anger even towards me or other people I love)? Have I been mindful of my thoughts and judgments or is this just something I tell people I do by what I like on facebook? Do my actions speak louder than my words? Is my side of the street clean or am I trying to help someone else clean up their side of the street while mine is filthy? This happens when I focus on trying to solve someone elses problems for them while I have plenty of my own. As I focus on gratitude and all I have in my life, I realize the greatest give I can give myself and others is to Live and Let Live. I have been given this life to make the most of it...just as others have been given theirs. If I continually try to live someone elses life for them by trying to fix or manipulate them into doing what I think they should do, then am I really appreciating my own gift or trying to covet theirs? Today, I will try to lovingly accept what has been given me by our Amazing Creator with gratitude. I will try to be at peace with what God has given others and try to accept that their situation is what they are meant to have right now. A kind word, a kleenex and a hug go a very long way when someone feels alone in the world. Maybe that is all they really need. While I ponder these questions I will remember that loving kindness and gratitude are expressions of a spiritual awakening...while I am fully human, I am also a Divine expression of God awakening at His pace, not mine.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 12:43:52 +0000

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