As I post this...know that I am preaching to myself...but usually - TopicsExpress


As I post this...know that I am preaching to myself...but usually as God is dealing with me...when I share, there is at least one other person that my process somehow helps. God wants us to use our valleys as a testimony to His mountain moving capabilities! Lately I have struggled with somethings...although honestly I could not tell you what the struggle was actually with. Then on hit me...and it hit hard! After some certain people pushed me to make some appointments that I had been putting off...actually not making time for...things just kind of unraveled for a short time. But the key is...I didnt allow it to stay that way! My lesson in what I am about to share is this...slow down! Get your priorities straight! Do not let time pass you by! Let God move in your life!!! Be all that He has created you to be! And be sure to share His love with others! start...I have had a spot on my chest that I hate to admit I have had for about 2 years or more. I never made the time to get it checked. Finally once encouraged & also concerned that another spot was coming up in a more visible area...I went to the dermatologist. Then the word that I truly did not expect cancer. Had the biopsy done right there so we know how to treat it. As I sat in the car after the appointment...I check a message that was left on my phone, only to be told that a very dear family friend, Art Rosenfelder, passed away! Long time family friend (actually lived with me for about a month at one point)...he always use to me he & I were the only smart people in the world. Lol! ;-) I loved that old man dearly. But with all that being said...I let life happen and had not seen him in a long time. He passed on the 20th anniversary of my dads passing. I had posted that night something that was strong on my heart...and since that post I have had so many people suffer a loss of a loved one...all in just a few days! I mean like 6 or more people. Precious time!!! During this, I also had another appointment that I was meaning to schedule...meaning, thinking I was only about 6 months behind. I was actually a year and 6 months behind!!!! But it is scheduled! I was in shock! Had no idea that much time had passed. And it is something very important! No more excuses...I am vessel used by God and I am important! God expects me to take care of myself!!!! He expects us all too! My brother has been ill...diabetes hospital as week speak. He has suffered in other areas as well. I have watched him struggle. Time is passing fast! We have to be aware of the important things in life! The devil loves nothing more that to keep Gods people busy...but busy with nonsense! We end up overworked, stressed, sick, time passes and we miss the time with those that need us. I am tired...I sat in my car that day and just cried! But only because I was mad at myself...mad that I allowed all this time to pass. Mad that I opened a door to skin cancer...didnt get that visit in to those I truly love...they are gone. Wake up call! God is good God...I thank Him for showing me these things!!! I pray that those that may be dealing with some similar issues realize that they are not alone! Life is not easy...but there is a purpose for everything...we have to trust His purpose!
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 03:11:48 +0000

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