As I predicted some time ago - this sad country - being ran by a - TopicsExpress


As I predicted some time ago - this sad country - being ran by a clueless Govt who are more concerned about bailing out foreign bond holders and gamblers than looking after its own people - in their efforts to drain the last euro from us Dracula like - with a policy of extreme austerity to satisfy our masters in Europe and allow some of our ministers and Taoiseach strut like peacocks proclaiming how well we have done and how our fiscal policies have cleaned up the mess of the last lot of Fianna Failers - but what they are failing to tell us is that we are now after coming full circle and we are in the cusp of another big Bubble that will burst - and with no more blood left to draw from people - then more and more of our brightest and best will have to leave our shores - lets look at some very random facts - the housing market is now back in crisis because of greed - 20% increase in Dublin was too much too quick and banks were starting to suck in young house buyers and give 90% plus mortgages - now they may cap it at 80% - so tell me how and where will a couple get say 60,000 or 40,000 up front - unbelievable !!! Then take Irish Water a monster created my Mr Hogan - who was rewarded with a top job in Europe instead of being jailed - in the name of God - it was possible to set up Irish Water - take it away from councils - check and ensure the quality and then in time charge for it / we are doing it in 18 months - everywhere else it took 8 to 10 years - now we hear in a housing estate in Tralee that they have been told three months ago - lead in your water - not allowable - dangerous - dont drink it - so how the fook can you charge tax on something you cant consume - why the rush ? Because we sold our soul and sovereignty to the Troika - simple fact - indisputable - then why have we become a Nanny State - Credit Unions and Banks and ESB and Insurance Cos hiring private investigators to check up on people using illegal methods - and all because the Govt have refused to accept a salient fact - there is a level of personal debt in the country that unless tackled and some of it or most of written off - we are going nowhere !!! I wont go near HSE / its the Bermuda Triangle - go in there and you may never come out !! Self employed no rights - nothing to fall back on - doomed to a life of slavery and misery - now as I said yesterday penalty points for NCT - tyre checks - and now our broadband is set to increase because the roll out that Govt promised everyone no matter where you lived - it appears they were talking about Dublin - so God Help us - we are in some mess and our politicians up in Dublin appear to totally divorced from reality and how people are struggling and just robbing Peter to pay Paul every month - I will finish with the greatest con job of all time - even FF wouldnt think of this - met a young man recently - with a degree in Law and Accounting - wanted to get articled as they say to do his exams etc and qualify - 4 years in Uni done - saw an advert in Cork - went for interview - did well but then came the ball breaker - he was offered it under job bridge - €60 on to his job seekers !! And he would have to pay rent in Cork and keep himself - so he said no !! And now he is working in Aldi and for now his accountancy career is on hold - nothing wrong with stacking shelves by the way but its not what he wants / so what a mess we are in -I cant fathom how people are so placid - if we were Greek - we would be on the streets !! What do think Martin Ferris - Toiréasa Ferris - A J. Spring - Brendan Griffin?
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 08:55:30 +0000

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