As I promised were going to try to look at ‘Marshal a Great - TopicsExpress


As I promised were going to try to look at ‘Marshal a Great victory’ Giorgi Zhukov. Maybe we can see something opposite that he wasn’t that good. We’ll stay focus on facts mainly. What Zhukov achieved-first victory Khalhin Gol and destroying Japs in bold sudden thrust, that was first victory but made on implementing terror to his soldiers-57.000 Red Army soldiers were there and Zhukov personally signed 600 capital punishment by firing squad. That shows how this achievement has been reached. Plus Zhukov got the best Chief of staff who was in charge of planning-kombrig Bogdanov was the best as that time only this unit was fighting and that was representation of Red Army and USRR ,so in interest of Stalin was to send the best person for planning ,lets say Zhukov made it. Next station-Zhukov after taking vacancy as commander of Kiev military district, Zhukov took position as the chief of staff –for whole Red Army so he was in charge for strategical planning during the war and overall, what happened during his term –there was saying ‘where Zhukov there is victory’ And beginning of war against Germany that was the worst disaster you can ever imagine , Zhukov was in charge of planning and at the outset he issued 3 directives 1-don’t go into provocations in case of German attack-that meant destruction of Red Army-Red Army soldiers were not allowed to fire to Germans, and they didn’t letting Germans to shot them with easiness-this criminal order was called off a few hours later-but so much harm was made already-no one was allowed to do anything because what if that German’s provocations?? Its very hard to recognize-what if that only provocation and you’ll open fire ,later on NKVD boys will come and what they gonna do to you for reckless firing and breaking Zhukov’s orders?? How to know?? They didn’t ,so they upheld to Zhukov orders, Directive nr 2 allowed to fight with limitations And directive nr 3 which made Red Army to organize the onslaught with no preparations, with no aerial support and as quickly as possible, improvised thrusts brought massive disaster and let Germans to destroy most of Red Army units as well as to capture the vast amount of equipment and prisoners. Zhukov forced Red Army to attack under unfavorable conditions –the outcome-defeat-also Zhukov coordinated the biggest panzer battle in history near Luck-brody –rovne where 1st panzer group fought against Red Army mechanized corps-3170 tanks in total-that was another disaster, after this Stalin did realize about lack of his talents and demoted him to become the front commander-Zhukov took Reserve front and got back Yelnia-but later this tactical victory meant nothing as after Kiev battle German panzers bypassed this town –the reserve front has been smashed-Zhukov took yelnia but with very high losses. Next vacancy-Leningrad-apparently Zhukov saved this city-that’s is not true-Zhukov came there in mid September when Hitler already issued directive which was holding Germans and made them to take Leningrad by siege, plus all panzer has been withdrawn on central sector for operation Typhoon already so the onslaught wouldn’t be imminent ,that means Leningrad already was not in jeopardy, Leningrad before Zhukov arrival was the most fortified city on the planet, therefore the attack didn’t happen and Leningrad wasn’t in danger-Zhukov organized few counter-attack-no success. Plus we know neither Hitler nor Von Leeb were keen to prepare the proper onslaught on Leningrad that time, Leeb was requesting for halting his forces and close up the ring and to take strategic hills and towns around the city which has been achieved. Next step Moscow-apparently he saved capitol and saved Soviet union, but interesting facts-Zhukov proposed of giving capitol to Germans and to withdrawn to East 300 km away from Moscow ,Stalin didn’t approve this and was resent to him , so many commanders was decorated for defending capitol you can check what Zhukov got for this battle -nothing Stalin was very angry for proposal of surrendering Moscow and didn’t give anything to him. Stalin haven’t forgiven him this. Normally Stalin decorated Zhukov for fighting all the time but not this time. Next-Stalingrad-and Uranus-but Zhukov had nothing to do with this-operation has been planned by Vasilevsky,Zhukov that time conducted bigger operation called ‘mars ‘ in central sector where took a inconvincible defeat and lost 1900 tanks !!! and over 300.000 man. An objective hasn’t been reached. The battle of Kursk-Zhukov participated in preparations but before the battle left and was traveling to marshal Sokolovski in central sector-that is confirmed by Marshal Rokosovsky,Zhukov came back at the end when battle was already won. In the most decisive moment he wasn’t there. Stalin gave him general duty to coordinate fronts -when Zhukov arrived on the front-soldiers knew it will be offensive, plus whenever Zhukov conduct any enterprise soldiers paid enormous price in their blood, losses were always very high, Zhukov didn’t care he had to break through at all costs, next step –coordination during closing the pocket in 1944-korsun-Cherkassy-Stalin sent him there when he arrived didn’t understand situation well as the enemy started breaking through-Stalin decided to take him back and to coordinate this action from Moscow alone , then another defeat operation Lvov –sandomierz where Zhukov had admitted to that by pointing out his mistakes, and he was at fault-very rarely he did like that, Final-Stalin understood that as coordinator of fronts Zhukov doesn’t cope and demoted him by giving command over the 1st Belarusian front where Zhukov took Berlin for price of 300.000 man, very high and very mindlessly, Berlin would surrender anyway but instead close the pocket and wait Zhukov decided to attack and 1 and 2 guard tank army has been destroyed in fighting in the city-unnecessary losses, Zhukov always had one solution-frontal attack, if not successful, gather the forces and once again until German posts are literally rammed with death Russian bodies. When we looked at your loved Zhukov we see so many defeats and victims. Zhukov as commander was acting in a rude and abusive manner to others. he was extremely rude to his subordinates –he could beat them up-this was well-established in Red army commanders used high amount of violence and aggression, so nothing new- but also he could shot his subordinates if he didn’t like something or someone, and at the end of the war went into fight with marshal Konev-in Red army that was fine, they had an issue so bach-punch him in the face. But that time they both were with rank of Marshal which is very high. Everyone says that Zhukov used only aggressive, loutish and abusive language on daily basis very often flying into rage, run away if that happening , in general Red Army generals(most of them) were sadistic, ruthless, and aggressive treating their soldiers with brutality-but Zhukov in this crossed all boundaries, level of brutality, inhumanity and bestiality made everyone to be extremely scared when he visited the front, everyone knew when he came we are attacking and we cant withdraw. You see how great you idol was. His legend has been implemented with a tremendous success, all historians including western praised him and were screaming how talented he was, Zhukov’s role was by relentless and extremely drastic methods force the people to fight and make sure task is completed on time with timetable for the opration ,no matter what it takes. They even linked Zhukov to operations where Zhukov wasn’t in person-usually they said he was coordinating operation Uranus in Stalingrad being 1000 thousands km away and undertaking his own major defeat. At the end 2 stories found in the book for you about his very rude demeanor ,extremely weird behavior and simply delivered wickedness to his fellow and subordinates. Sorry for my probably not the best translations hehe you’ll be fine hopefully: 1-when commander-general Byczevsky of engineering troops met Zhukov “Zhukov was gazing at me suspiciously and then suddenly and firmly asked: -who are you?? I didn’t understand the question and reported once again -the commander engineering forces colonel Byczevski -I’m asking who are you ?? Where you came from?? In his voice I felt an irritation, his big chin moved towards me and his not tall and tubby posture stood up behind the desk. Was he meant to know about my CV?? Who would need it know?? –I thought, not understanding that he did expect someone else here. I unsurely was reporting that I’m a commander of engineering units of the district, later of the front since 1.5 year, during winter was I was commander of engineering forces in 13 th army near Karelia. -Have you replaced Chlenov here ?? You should say it straight away. Where is general Nazarov?? I called him!! -He was coordinating of all engineering endeavors of two fronts-I specified –and he flew tomorrow morning with the Marshal… -coordinating... flew-bumbling Zhukov -damn him!! Report what you’ve got. I put the maps and showed what we have done before breaking towards red siol,krasnogvardiesk and kolpian,what we have at first line, near Neva,near Karelia and where they sapper work. Zhukov listen not questioning and then accidentally or deliberately moved the maps such a way that they dropped on the floor and in silence started to look on the board a defense layout of the city. -what are the tanks in sector pietroslovianksa???-suddenly asked and turned back to me and looking at how I’m putting back to briefcase the maps dropped on the floor. -What are you hiding there?? Give it to me!!! It is mambo-jumbo….. -those are dummy tanks comrade general-I showed on the map the groups of tanks-50 pieces made in the Marianovska theater .Germans bombed them twice….. -Twice!!!!-Sarcasticelly interrupted Zhukov- and how long are you keeping them there?? -two days -are you playing the fool?? You’re waiting until Germans will bomb the pieces of wood?? Today at night take this away from there. Make 100 pieces more and tomorrow in the morning place them here and there by using a pencil showed on the map Zhukov - They not going to make 100 dummy tanks within one night –I said carelessly Zhukov lifted his head and gazed at me . -Not going to make it??You’ll be convicted. Tomorrow I’ll check it personally. His threatening was as if whipping by someone. It seemed he is checking my patience purposefully. -I’ll check tomorrow what have you done and immediately not expecting for my respond said dismissively -you can go now…..” As we see excessive and limitless rudeness and boorishness, to the person who is supporting and working with Zhukov presented very low manner, he was threaten and setting impossible task to do for his subordinate and brother in arms, on them colonel byczevski couldn’t impact on, as this work was done as voluntary by Marinovska theater ,but Zhukov clearly said –not done we’ll judge you. That kind of personality he had guys. 2- story about your brilliant general ,that is about taking up command over 1 st Belarusian front from Marshal Rokossovsky,as Stalin has decided to that man with Polish surname cannot conduct operation to take the capitol of third Reich. Obviously Rokosovski as the one of most talented Soviet generals was upset and probably sad with this fact, that was open insult and indignity, We can only imagine what Rokosovsky felt as he was leading this front,he took success and defeats, that was his unit and at the end as the final operation should be taken and overseen by him, he deserved to an assault the main nest of Germans Stalin unjustly gave command to Zhukov Relation from Boris Siczkin-he was good Zhukov friend: “I remember very well banquet when rokosovsky passed the command to Zkuhov.this evening our band was performing too. On the stage we had two big chairs on which two Marshals sat down. A soloist in our band was Jasza Mucznik.After his performance Zhukopv called him and made him to sit next to him, there where Marshal Rokosovsky shall sit. Made him to sit down he wasn’t allowing him to go a whole evening, Jasza was protesting and tried to say something but Zhukov settled him hash: - don’t worry, sit quite and come down, he’ll be ok(about Marschal Rokosovsky) he’ll stroll around here” Again to Rokosovsky who was his friend and brother in arms Zhukov presented despicable treatment and lack of understanding for his situation and a huge disepointment.He could be nicer and at least respect this unpleasant forced change, he doesn’t have to make a friendship with rokosovski but on this sort of compassion and a little empathy would be required .But Zhukov preferred to make sit down not person who should be in this place but someone else who not deserved to be there . Horrible guy this Zhukov and poor-skilled commander. Please don’t mention anymore about his either fake victories or taken from others. “
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 11:48:57 +0000

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