As I read Brittany Maynards story who doctors have rendered - TopicsExpress


As I read Brittany Maynards story who doctors have rendered terminally ill and how she plans to end her life November 1st...just 4 days away....legally end her life I must mind is screaming emotions take over and I cant help but cry...and I wonder has ANY ONE told this woman about the power and love of Jesus Christ???? Has any one sat down and explained that contrary to her logo which is My Life, My Death, My Choice has any one explained to her that it is in fact NOT her life, her death or her choice...Our very existence belongs to God himself...we live each day to glorify Him...every breath we take is a blessing from Him and Him only...I cant even begin to imagine the horror and the overwhelming sense of doom she and her family must be be told you only have 6 months to live is such a hard pill to swallow...but no matter how much we try, we are NOT in control...God never makes a mistake and disease is not his creation it all refers back to Adam and Eve when they defied Gods will and sin were in fact created through that direct defiance....God has the ability to completely heal Brittany and turn her life around and I so badly pray and wish that He will do so in the next 4 one wants to experience pain and suffering until their body just shuts down but taking your own life to avoid those possibilities just seems outrageous...its almost like well I only have months to live so Ill swallow a pill and end my life before it gets so bad for me to handle....but whos to say had you not taken that pill God would have removed disease from your body because you put your faith and trust in Him and you have a second chance to live out your mission from God here on earth another day....Im heart broken....and Im praying for a miracle in the next 4 days....
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 20:56:49 +0000

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