As I read again the protocols of Zion I see a recurring theme - TopicsExpress


As I read again the protocols of Zion I see a recurring theme throughout each of the 24 protocols and that is the easy domination of the Goyim. What I see most is the control of information and direction of education of the Goyim so in one field swoop they can be controlled, depopulated to a manageable number and will be grateful they are now slaves. By the point all this occurs, over what would seem thousands of years, if the Goyim are so stupid than why take so long to get to the point of full control. It would seem those whom or whomever wrote this diabolical scheme need to exhaust every avenue of governance to make the Goy accept whatever will be presented. They forget something; those generations will have come and gone with any memory of the governments past. The more I read I’m convinced it is not the Goyim, those who are not jew, that are stupid. Though many are deceived and have become ignorant to what is being done to them only for the fact those behind this scheme have kept true education n from them. They have manipulated the medium of exchange, once known as gold, and replaced it with a fiat currency as a medium of exchange. They have kept out all those not of the clique from corporate exchange and governance. Those institutions thought of as renowned are in their control and to get by the gate keeper one would have to be of use or one of the clique. Whats left is substandard at best and those with ability but are of no use or not of clique are stymied in their effort to succeed. I believe this diabolical plan to be proctored by Lucifer and the 1/3 whom followed him in the first battle. Those souls can never again return to Yehovahs kingdom known as Heaven. They were cast to earth and expelled until they learned the error of their ways. Many times they have tried to destroy the will of man and many times they have been put in their place, though not destroyed. Where ever they go between death and life is not known by those of us not of them. However, we do know their ultimate goal and that is our destruction and enslavement. Ask yourself why? Man was created and put above or equal to those already created by Yehovah and for that their pride was taken aback. Losing the first battle and not being able to fight against the source of their anger left them one option; to destroy and enslave what was put equal or above them us
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 09:55:19 +0000

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