As I read this, a thought came over me. Who is it we want to - TopicsExpress


As I read this, a thought came over me. Who is it we want to associate with? Is it people who dress really nice, work out and are thin, fix their hair nicely every day, are pretty, look good, drive nice cars, have nice homes, have alot of money (or we think they do) ? why is that? is it because it makes us appear to have the same? Does it build us up to ourselves? Hike up our self confidence? Who is it that Christ would want us to befriend? ~NC 2 Corinthians 5:16 – Book Cover Christians From now on, therefore, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we once regarded Christ according to the flesh, we regard him thus no longer. (2 Corinthians 5:16 ESV) Have you ever just sat and talked with a homeless person? If you do, you’ll often find that they were a lot like you and I until an unfortunate series of events happened. Their exterior may be hard and weathered on the outside, but inside they are like the rest of us. You cant judge a book by its cover is a commonly used phrase. For the most part, it’s a very accurate concept. One doesnt really know who a person is by their outward appearance. Time, effort, and intentionality are required to build a relationship with someone and to truly know them. Paul tells the Church in Corinth that he doesnt judge people by their outward appearance, instead he looks at people through their spiritual condition. He judges them by whats in their heart. Asking God to help us view people the way Paul does can help us immensely in our relationship with others. God loves and cares for them the same way he does for us. It is our responsibility to uplift them and encourage them as we all allow God to mold and shape us into the people God has made us to be. Our view of the souls around us should reflect the view God has towards us. Have you been looking only skin deep?
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 16:09:42 +0000

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