As I read this article I fought back tears. My son was diagnosed - TopicsExpress


As I read this article I fought back tears. My son was diagnosed at 2 years of age with Autism. I have lived this life and I have been that parent at that table with their child. I remember leaving full meals behind and just praying that I could make it out of the restaurant and to the parking lot. It seems like a lifetime ago. My son is now 18 and will be graduating from High School. We eat out on a regular basis, we have flown, we have been to Disneyland we have been to museums we have been camping. It wasnt always a successful outing but I knew I had to keep trying to expose him to the world around him if he was to have any chance at having a quality life. I had help along the way because it does take a village to help parents and children with special needs navigate so many waters. My village has been these wonderful, amazing people over the years: Karen Messler, Patty Ellis, Sherry Jacknowitz Drake and Rosie Zambrano Phillips, Tracy Votaw, Angel Phelps and Liz Barrera, Heidi Colgate just to name a few. Love you guys!!!. Blessed everyday to have you in our lives, couldnt have and wouldnt have had it any other way. We have a quote posted at work in our break room its a reminder that we can all use a little more kindness and grace towards each other, Be kind to every person you meet because you never know what someone else could be going through Enough said :)
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 20:58:38 +0000

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