As I read this daily text, I feel that Jehovah is speaking to me, - TopicsExpress


As I read this daily text, I feel that Jehovah is speaking to me, I sometimes allow my tiredness and other things get in the way of me making my meetings like I should, I missed my meeting this night because I allowed things to get in the way and Im dissapointed with myself, so yes I feel that this was for me to read tonight so I can keep in mind the importance of attending my meetings and not forsake the gatherings. Friday, January 9 Make sure of the more important things.—Phil. 1:10. There is something even more important than the personal benefits we receive from our meetings. (Heb. 10:24, 25) The primary purpose of our gathering together is to worship Jehovah. (Ps. 95:6) What a privilege we have to praise our wonderful God! (Col. 3:16) Jehovah deserves our regular worship through our attendance and participation at theocratic gatherings. (Rev. 4:11) It is no wonder, then, that we are exhorted ‘not to forsake the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom’! Do we see our Christian meetings as a provision to help us endure until Jehovah acts against this wicked system of things? If so, the meetings will be among “the more important things” that we make room for in our busy lives. It would have to be something extremely significant to cause us to miss an opportunity to be united with our brothers in worship of Jehovah. w13 4/15 4:7, 8
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 05:52:03 +0000

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