As I read through post I noticed how many friends although they - TopicsExpress


As I read through post I noticed how many friends although they wish for family and the gathering that go with it . They go and are uncomfortable due to invisible illness, and I am sad as I have experienced it. As it is not seen people figure you can do anything they do, but let some little thing happen to them and it is can you do for me I cant I am too sore. It seems that the complainer and short term hurters get more attention then the ones with long time illness. I hate to tell these family member and friends we have learnt to live with pain and to do things for ourselves as you get tired of waiting for people who have more important things than thinking of you, and long term s tiring for most people and they can not do the long run and prefer to forget you have anything wrong , making you an easy scape goat for thoughtless comment and someone to blame for what ever comes up. We get tired of listening to all the things we should be able to do, with little thought of the fact that everything they do would exhaust us and many would bring death ; we have limit strength and each day must be plan accordingly, Our service dogs are put down and many try to manage without them as people think we can and then they wonder why we are white and tired looking and move slower and slower . Well for every person I wish for you the ability to deal with family who seem to care less of you and your problems. The ability to face each day with a smile and fewer days of constant pain and the arguments that come with day to day living with invisible illnesses . That you find one person who may not really know but trys to understand what you deal wish. And for all a Happy New Years for the coming year
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 16:54:46 +0000

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