As I really dont want to tell this story over and over, listen up - TopicsExpress


As I really dont want to tell this story over and over, listen up everyone. I dont have the job at the Hospital. And here is my reasoning. From day one, nothing they told me had been completely correct. They didnt warn me of the $15 dollar charge that I would have to incur from getting my immunization records. They didnt tell me that yesterday, after having been up since 6am, that after orientation, they were going to have me go over to the Hospital and perhaps train/work until 8PM that night. Usually if youre going to ask someone to work a 12 hours shift, you give someone some concrete warning. I would have worked the shift, absolutely. This I wouldnt have refused. Though through a long, droning orientation that told me NOTHING specific of my job or even a concrete start date, I was also told that I HAD to have a flu shot. Those of you that know me well, and know me personally, know that I dont take medications. I havent for a very long time, and I let my body fight off what it has to fight off. During orientation I was asked if I was going to get a flu shot before heading over to the hospital and I politely declined stating that every time Ive had a flu shot, theyve made me horribly ill. Which was met with a condescending conversation on how (because apparently Im ignorant) the flu shots contain a dead virus, and EVERY time that Ive gotten sick from the shot, it must have been that I already had the virus in my system. Well. The last time that I had a flu shot, my arm swelled up HUGE and I was sick as a dog for at least two weeks. Is this an allergic reaction? I dont know, seeing as how I cannot afford to see a physician to have things like this checked out NOR do I have any medical records to back that up. Why? because I cannot. Afford. To see. A doctor. Anyway, rambling aside, I was told by the nurse at orientation that in lieu of having the flu shot, during flu season, I could wear a surgical mask. When I got over to the hospital, I was brought up to my would-be supervisors office and made aware that this was incorrect information, and that the policy is Flu shot, or no work. Not only was I told this by the supervisor, but I was also made to wait for her to get HER supervisor to come in to talk to me, in a way that was somewhat excessive, seeing as how she seemed to regard me in a manner that made it seem like I had been belligerent. Again, I was grilled on WHY I refused a flu shot, and it was reiterated that it was company policy and that (in a somewhat condescending tone, again) Any medical campus you try to work at, you have to have a flu shot. I respectfully declined, and told both of them that I would still prefer against it, as if I got sick, I would have to take off within the first few weeks of me even working there, for illness. Over and over Im told that the flu shot wouldnt make me sick. I am NOT the only person that has gotten ill after a flu vaccination! After all of this is said and done and I apologized for wasting their time, I was walked out of the building. 1. I have never been in a situation where Ive felt so uncertain of anything when it comes to a job. One minute its one answer to my questions, and another its completely different and the first person was completely incorrect. 2. I accept that it is policy for people working in a medical setting to be immunized with the flu vaccine. But I cannot put myself in a situation that will be detrimental to my health. I have gone this long fighting off most everything that has hit me illness wise. Im not going to be laid up for weeks from a flu shot and be fired because I missed work anyway. 3. Im really not in the mood to be lectured about You should have just gotten the flu shot and been done with it. There are few things that I do NOT negotiate on, and my health is one of them, physical and mental. If I dont feel well, leave me alone until Im better. If I dont want to take medication, just let me alone and suffer through it. 4. im sorry for those of you who prayed and got your hopes up for me. I went through a cornucopia of emotions yesterday after I walked away from this job opportunity. I know that there are those of you who will be disappointed in angry because of my decisions. Youll get over it. Because I was angry with myself and told myself that I was a complete idiot for doing what I had done. Then I became depressed that once again, I have put my life on hold because of the values that I hold that are ridiculous in some aspects. But lastly, I am proud of myself for not allowing myself to be forced into a situation that made me uncomfortable. And that is all I need, to know that for myself, I did the right thing. Seeing this range of emotions that I felt yesterday and still somewhat feel, how about we save the lecturing for someone who hasnt already methodically flaggelated herself hm? Ill try again, and Ill find something perfect for me.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 15:20:05 +0000

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