As I reminiscent my days at P.T.C.Akropong as a student - TopicsExpress


As I reminiscent my days at P.T.C.Akropong as a student writer/Editor.I do remember columns I used to write. Columns that motivated, educated,informed and entertained readers. One of such columns on our notice board then, kept teaming readers glued for words of Wisdom,inspiration, wake-up-ticklings. The column helped readers reflect soberly, journey into their minds and heart and encounter their inner man. Wrapped in a sense of humour, issues of life were hit hard and right on the nail to provoke thoughts in a skillful way. To make religion functional, we supported each edition with relevant scriptural quotations. Write ups were brief and precise yet efficacious. Now, the writer, yours truly Edem Dignity is a writer the better, a young psychologist and a more advanced student of life. This column can only get better.Rebranded! Make a date as the column starts streaming soon,. Non Peticians how will you name the column. Peticians, what was the name. The column will be interactive so be active, give feedback and share your thoughts. Suggest and comment. Writers read what they write so they learn and benefit as they write. I am ready to read,learn and benefit. Are you?????????????
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 03:30:44 +0000

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