As I said before. When coming from a place a privilege. And not - TopicsExpress


As I said before. When coming from a place a privilege. And not facing any “Type” or REAL LIFE” struggles until March 2011. So any struggles I had were just of inconvenience. And not life threatening. So I was reminded of what I used to designate as “the worse day of my life” back in 2007. Because the “topic” of Stan and swimming in a lake keeps coming up. And the DOG HATES SWIMMING. Is deathly afraid of it. Because Albert “screwed up” And when Stan was a year old. We were up at a cabin party in Waverly. And there was GREAT DANE there as well. So the “standard” of just throwing a dog in the water. While being in the water with the dog. And a light throw. For the dog to “naturally” just start dog paddling. Was “screwed up” because Albert thought it would be “cool” to throw Stan into the oncoming dog paddle of a Great Dane. Since didn’t grow up with dogs. And just told about the easy throw into water. But the Great Dane scared the living daylights out of young Stan. So he hates water. Will go in and doggy paddle. But with high anxiety. From that memory. So during that weekend. Probably after the throwing of Stan into oncoming doggie paddle of great dane. I woke up earlier than most. So was taking a walk up and down the sanded beach. And not looking at the ground. And STEPPED INTO A HUGE PILE OF GREAT DANE stuff. To start my day. So cleaned myself off or whatever. Then go into the main cabin. And was informed we were out of cheese. There were like 20 of us up there. And a couple guys assigned to breakfast cooking in bulk. So I “volunteered” to drive to grocery store 2 miles away and grab cheese. So I hop in my Rav 4. In swimsuit and beach cover up type clothes. And sun glasses with windows down and music up. For quit jaunt for cheese. Not one substance in me. And wide awake after dog doo incident. And I’m am a stop sign nazi. Like complete stop. When in normal lifestyle. The story of why so many stop signs on Olympia Street by my childhood house. As well as being age 27 at the time. And no “Time” for preventable traffic tickets. Since so easy to avoid. So I KNOW I STOPPED at the stop sign. It was a FOUR WAY STOP. And A RAIL ROAD CROSSING WITHOUT THE SAFETY GATES. So FOR SURE A COMPLETE STOP TO MAKE SURE NO TRAIN WAS COMING. A major fear for tracks without the safety things. And then I proceed and park in front of the grocery store. And noticed a squad car making a dramatic U-TURN. After I made my turn. Then the next thing I know I am parked in a parked spot. With the squad car parked behind me with cherries on. As if I had committed some crime. And I had no clue what I could have possibly done. Since a good driver. And almost 100% positive had seat belt on. Which at the time was no grounds for pulling over. And the only possible reason I would have had it off was due to so close. But rarely do I EVER drive without my seatbelt. So there was NO REASON my 20 mile per hour 2 mile DRIVE. Could have been some crime. So I just waited. And a Wright County sheriff officer. And he told me I ran the stop sign. As reason for pulling me OVER. And I answered his “do you know why I pulled you over question” With a “no I am not sure” And then he said for running a stop sign. And I just said “I truly thought I stopped, but whatever” And I had been parked for some time. And had my seatbelt off. Since was going into grocery store. But then he pointed out my seat belt. And I was SO PISSED. Since NO WAY TO CONTEST AN OFFICER OF LAW ON HIGH HORSE. In a case of “he said she said” so I just STARED IN FRONT OF ME. After also politely stating that I took it off when I parked the car. And him with the condescending tone as if I was liar. And me knowing my “place” in relation to an officer accusing me of stuff. And I think he thought my choice of just staring in front of me while he lectured me. Similar to that girl yelling at me at the juke box. Just absorbing whatever “they said and went off about” without reacting. Made him think I was scared or docile or something. Because then when he returned my license. Along with the tickets. HE BEGAN BEING FAKE NICE. And making “fun” references to knowing about my neighborhood because of the address listed on my license. And trying to be all nice. Since PROBABLY FELT BAD. Since NO RECORD AND THE PSYCHOS TIPPING HIM OFF. On whatever the case. But no “probable cause” to do anything MORE TO ME. Than accuse me of running a stop sign. And ticketing me for not wearing a seat belt while in a parked car. I was NOT PULLED OVER. He pulled up BEHIND ME. WITH CHERRIES ON AND BLOCKING ME IN. About 30 seconds after I parked the car. As if I was some major criminal. Was how he “approached” me. Because of the PSYCHOS. And their fake nice voice of concern. So when he “finished” his NICE (as in GENUINELY TRYING TO BE NICE) probably second guessing what he had done. After looking up my record. And knowing he completely LIED ABOUT WHY HE PULLED ME OVER. And these awful tickets. I waited until he was done. Without “taking the bait” of friendly conversation. Or even acknowledging ANYTHING HE SAID about stop sign running and wearing a seat belt. And I just said “are we done?” and I looked up. Without a smile or any expression. And asked for my tickets so I could be on my way. Took the tickets and put them in my glovebox. Then went into the grocery store and bought the cheese. Informed the store clerk and customers of the commotion. Since the whole little TOWN WATCHING WITH AGAPED MOUTHS. Then I went back to the cabin party. And the older SISTER of Molly. ONE OF the nice and mature ones. Was over at the cabin party with her husband. BECAUSE AT THE 4 WAY STOP WHEN I WAS. And SAW THE WHOLE THING. And KNEW I WAS INCIDENT. So said they would be my witness. Since I said I was “contesting” it no matter way. Just showing up at court and pleading a case at least reduces charges somewhat. By the very nature of a person contesting it. Instead of just paying the whole fee. And accepting all the charges. But NO ONE HAD ANY IDEA. That THOSE GIRLS SET UP THE DUMB POLICE CALL. After hearing me “bullshitting” with the guys. And volunteering to grab the cheese in town. Since NONE OF THEM ABLE TO SOCIALIZE THE SAME WAY. And had been “messing” with me in that way since 10th grade. So were good at LYING ABOUT ME. When sending “tips” in to police. With some crazy lunatic on the loose narrative. So I did go to Wright County courthouse. And got the stop sign ticket dismissed. And paid for the seat belt ticket. Had to TAKE A DAY OFF WORK. To do that shit. Part of the reason most petty things like that don’t get contested. More trouble than what its worth. But I was SO PISSED. Since DID NOT RUN THE STOP SIGN. And the guy admitted it. Like in his 50 or 60’s. And really good sheriff officer. Just the DUMB call from psychos able to pull off sounding NORMAL. And then “what to do” when so wrong. And then later THAT SAME DAY. We were playing a game of beach volley ball. And I had my engagement ring on. And stupid mall jewelry places refused to “tighten” my ring down a size. Since made by Albert’s uncle on Jewler’s row in Philly. A platinum band with 1 carrot diamond and two half carrot sapphires on each side. EXACTLY LIKE JEANNA BUSH’s wedding ring. But I HAD MINE FIRST. And so BEAUTIFUL. But a “test” on the jewelry business. And THEY ALL FAILED. Since did not think the ring was anything of note. This $6,000 masterpiece. Of the highest quality. And so MEAN TO ME. When me and Albert went to get it resized. Because THEY THOUGHT I FORCED HIM TO PROPOSE TO ME. Since he didn’t have the right ring size. Even though HE MADE ME try on the ring sizing thing. A few months before proposing. And the half size “too big” was for us to see how me and the ring would be treated by mall jewelry places. And they ALL REFUSED TO RESIZE IT. So it was not my fault. Of this slightly too big ring. Tried multiple times to get it resized. And Albert always with me. To “make sure” I didn’t trust some mall clerk in their requests to “hold onto it for 2 weeks” Since they have those stupid rubber things that can go directly ON IT. For like 20 bucks. And NONE OF THEM OFFERING ME IT. Since thought the ring sucked and that I sucked. So the most UNFUN and agonizing path. In whatever “power” position they think they have. Especially when someone has limited information on the PROCESS. So can “get away” with such things. In this weird 21st century culture. So I ended up loosing my wedding ring later the same day I got two tickets. And it was two weeks before my wedding. And in August of 2013. When FINISHING up my internship at the capital. So had this major “paper” due for independent study. So the minute it slipped off my finger. The “cabin party” fun was over for me. I drove into Minneapolis to get a metal detector. And lots of people HELPING AND LOOKING. With the Debbie downer of a day hanging over the cabin party atmosphere. Except among the mean girls. Just continued partying and having fun as if my day was “normal.” And not worth them compromising their fun time. Since so into themselves and crafted the “fun” police pull over in the morning. And ring all the more fun for them. Since they thought a “ghetto” ring. And me dumb for having it a half size too big. And their disdain for Albert as a person anyway. So I came back a few hours later with a metal detector. And a bunch of us taking shifts. Throughout the night and next day. I went to bed early. Had a bridal shower hosted by Albert’s side of the FAMILY THE NEXT DAY. And NO RING. From dumb water volleyball. So Albert and I went out to Waverly a few times the next week. To look for it. And then the “party people” found this scuba diver guy. And a bunch of people chipped in money to pay for it. And “Denny the Diver” eventually found the ring. Since the guys found it right away. And made a dumb game out of it. To allow ME AND OTHERS. To see how mean and cruel all those party girls were. Since they had such fake personalities. Always trying to seem nice. But NO WAY TO PULL IT OFF. And this to REALLY SOLIDIFY IT. And me and my dumb metal detector “grab” mid party weekend. Just done with fun. And had to find that ring. Pulled out a phone book. And called all over in the area. And the ONLY PLACE WHERE ONE COULD RENT A METAL DETECTOR WITHOUT reservation and on a Saturday afternoon. Was the place off of Cedar in Minneapolis. A small little ma and pa place. And good rates. And the type of service of wanting to hear what happened. With insights on what I should do. And NOT CONTRIVED OR ANYTHING. Not til after the guys saw the “not messing around” and WILL FIND A METAL DETECTOR TODAY. Determination and obsession. Since so mad AT MYSELF for even wearing it in the water. When I knew just slightly too big. So it came off while I was serving the ball for the first time.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 16:42:52 +0000

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