As I said before, piracy is NOT the main factor as to why - TopicsExpress


As I said before, piracy is NOT the main factor as to why Expendables 3 failed in Americas box office. Details below. The New York Times crunched the numbers and found out that, if the downloads represented paying customers (and many came from overseas), then the film lost a potential $4 million in gross. Which is nothing to sneeze at – thats basically an entire Bruce Willis salary. But its not a doomsday scenario depicted by some who are discussing the movies flopping. If the third one was going to do the exact same business of the second movie, which debuted to $28 million, the money lost would still not account for an additional $6 million it lost in registering its feeble $16 million starter. Thats assuming all the downloads occurred in America, which they absolutely didnt – the franchise has been much healthier internationally, with 72% of the second films overall gross coming from foreign territories. Its still too early to forecast how well part three will do worldwide, though The Expendables 2 banked $53 million in China back before that countrys film economy was still taking shape, and was not yet the juggernaut it is today. Remember, it was the biggest region for Transformers: Age Of Extinction, pulling in a staggering $300 million. Maybe The Expendables 4 is still alive, even if theyll need to make some necessary adjustments. So, were back to the dreaded franchise fatigue as a reason for why this film failed. That makes sense, as the first film had the greatest appeal. - See more at: cinemablend/new/Expendables-3-Was-Undone-By-Piracy-66833.html#sthash.bUrdV6cI.dpuf
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 09:27:27 +0000

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